ipfs-inactive / archives

[ARCHIVED] Repo to coordinate archival efforts with IPFS
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blender.org #167

Open TheUser opened 6 years ago

TheUser commented 6 years ago

Would be nice to have there videos and other things from them that is free.

From an old txt file I have these hashes.

https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQ747r7eLfsVtBFBSRwfXsPK6tADJpQzJxz4uFdoZb9XJ big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.avi https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWenbjgZnA6UguLtmUYayS6e7UQM7woB15zuEymSRRMoi Big_Buck_Bunny_1080p_surround.avi https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQq1BYRoQDYQ1Fh1KjrihfV2gAvGbYjg1D1AU4qcBSeEU ED_HD.avi https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmfKgkPRhBmgWsNgS6bbuZCKLvym64DexBgkJdTsPVpiW8 tears_of_steel_1080p.webm https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmcPZGXSyaQSnDVEtJrgtp2EyxhENiBdpGa8pfs5rMBCWr sintel-1024-surround.mp4 https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmT66KhZn3PhPEb3oDGfx1v2evuWmgR5G5p3aKup8kmRTU sintel-1280-surround.mp4 https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmawgrC6XHUxH461tWjzSRqneZpt9ehP7ApkkxeTKAXFm5 sintel-2048-surround.mp4 https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYVCbux1BK5Z2eJjwr5pJayZiQhp2TAUdCNUostkFkwee CosmosLaundromat-_First_Cycle.mp4

victorb commented 6 years ago

Here is a mirror as well: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmVMntAvXr9AjgGhdGNDbnZR2vZKk38QNh6hZqDLuWgsdp/

Contains all the Open Projects I'm aware of.

TheUser commented 6 years ago

Downloaded a few more files from http://download.blender.org/durian/movies/ https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmW2Qqt7eRmhCJ36vbC4A9VkFD8NVZeNsZ9vY2xvz5DoCc

Not quite sure yet as to how to sort things but I do think this thread needs one hash with everything in it in the future.

TheUser commented 6 years ago

I downloaded all files from http://www.caminandes.com/ and extracted the .zip files for easier viewing. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRV8FSR9jtKGBcPTJjgxDUc8Zhgu5RUCJ7DmVzN7QzLMp

TheUser commented 6 years ago

Downloaded the files from https://archive.org/details/ElephantsDream and extracted the .tar archives for easier viewing.


TheUser commented 6 years ago

Downloaded some files of Tears of Steel from https://mango.blender.org


TheUser commented 6 years ago

I rearranged things a bit and made one archive with the files I have posted in this thread. Next time I probably should add the website that @VictorBjelkholm posted too.
