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Congressional Research Service reports (scientific + climate papers) #184

Open gordonbrander opened 6 years ago

gordonbrander commented 6 years ago

Congressional Research Service reports are available online at http://crsreports.congress.gov. They are scientific reports generated by a nonpartisan group that works under US Congress. From @gilbeaq: "a lot of excellent energy and climate papers!"

The papers may be freely distributed:

CRS Reports, as a work of the United States Government, are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Any CRS Report may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without permission from CRS.

The full list of papers can be found at https://crsreports.congress.gov/search/#/?termsToSearch=&orderBy=Date. It looks like there aren't too many (628).

antoinemcgrath commented 6 years ago

One method could be:

  1. Create a crude 3rd party package for accessing CRS reports on their site (this could benefit others)
  2. Use our CRS package to access new reports (there are now [637] reports & rising) and push them to IPFS using https://pypi.org/project/ipfsapi/
  3. A. Kindly Request redundant hosting (Cloudflare, Internet Archive, ?, ?) B. Or purchase Filecoin tokens and pay for redundant hosting
  4. Automate the work flow on an available server with cron

For safe measure we might also hit https://www.everycrsreport.com/ and my own site www.CRSReports.com since the official site is lacking (atm) in hosting the older reports.

Sans access to the gov DB is there a way to mirror a functional version of this website?