ipfs-inactive / archives

[ARCHIVED] Repo to coordinate archival efforts with IPFS
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Library of Congress (LoC) Linked Data Resources #67

Open flyingzumwalt opened 8 years ago

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

See this twitter thread

The LoC's linked data resources (see http://id.loc.gov/authorities/) are the glue that links a huge amount of the linked data created by libraries and archives. Making this dataset distributed and persistent has been a perennial topic since the advent of linked data in the GLAM space.

Anyone interested in putting these data on IPFS? @cmh2166 @anarchivist @dchud @mjgiarlo @edsu

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

See ipfs/notes#152 - people at MIT are working on putting RDF on IPLD (aka. Authenticated RDF)

flyingzumwalt commented 8 years ago

cc @jeremyf