ipfs-inactive / dev-team-enablement

[ARCHIVED] Dev Team Enablement Working Group
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Asks/Requirements/Suggestions for Q4 OKRs from the JS Core Dev Team #142

Closed daviddias closed 5 years ago

daviddias commented 5 years ago

Based on the Retrospective from the JS Core Dev Team, we identified that one of the major blockers for productivity across teams is the fact that developers have to babysit Jenkins. We hope that this can be prioritized and solved for Q4

A second ask is to land the parallelization story. In the past only OS Runtimes would run in parallel, but it has been discussed since 2018 Q1 that what we need is to have all runtimes (OS and Browsers) to be run in parallel.

Related, we need to understand if IPTB will continue be a core focus of the DX team and what to expect in terms of timeline (seeing the OKRs for IPTB would be 👌🏽)

//cc @ipfs/javascript-team

daviddias commented 5 years ago

Another great win would be also land npm-on-ipfs as the main registry to download npm packages:

hugomrdias commented 5 years ago

Another topic from the Js Core team retrospective was

Aegir needs some improvements, often either i need to run tools directly or make a PR to fix stuff. Needs to be a thinner layer than it is.

This basically means

module.exports = (argv) => { const input = argv._.slice(1) // IMPORTANT PART just redirect extra args to the underlying tool cli const useBuiltinConfig = !input.includes('--config') const config = useBuiltinConfig ? ['--config', fromAegir('src/config/webpack.config.js')] : [] return execa(bin, [ ...config, '--progress', ...input // IMPORTANT PART just redirect extra args to the underlying tool cli ], { env: {NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'}, stdio: 'inherit' }) }

and less like this

commits like this one https://github.com/ipfs/aegir/commit/95789e99566bc406ffe2c0843aa8bd494fc96d31 are fairly common and unnecessary