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Research current IPFS docs situation and users’ learning/working experiences #52

Closed Mr0grog closed 6 years ago

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

We need to do some honest research to create a cohesive picture of things like:

…which should give us a clearer, more concrete picture of what problems we need to solve.

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

This is largely done. Research notes and output (than can be made public) can be browsed at:

This also includes:

More notes to come here momentarily.

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

Pulling in some bits from https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipns/ipfs-docs-research.robbrackett.com/html/General-Notes.html:

Common Questions

Where do I start? What’s what?

Where is the spec? What’s the current canonical version of it?

What’s the status of _____? (Piece of software, a spec, a concept [e.g. IPNS vs. IPRS], a document, a repo -- clear indicators and roadmaps are often missing. See above about spec!)

How can I help the network? Is there data I can store?

I followed “getting started” guide, what do I do now?

How do I know the progress or completion of a pin or a get?

I can't see my file on some machine, but I can in the Gateway (networking issues)

What ports do I need to open/what firewall settings do I need? How do I do that? (Related to the above)

What happens when I close my laptop (that the daemon is running on) for the day?

How do I share keys?

How do I change a file?

Why is the IPFS hash (CID) not just the hash of the file?

How do I choose JS vs. Go, how are they different?

Can I limit what I store or share?

Can I share data with only certain other people?

The conecpt of “uploading” content:

How do I remove a file?

How do I host more than one thing with IPNS?

How do I modify IPNS from more than one computer/node?

Can I keep my files (or their contents) secret? What's the story around privacy?

What is…

Can other people see all my files? Can I see all theirs?

Can I pin a file later? i.e. can I add a pin to a queue, but not block while it is getting?

How do I know which pins are which?

[How] can I do dynamic data?

Where are some good examples of things built with IPFS?

Who's using IPFS?

Are there legal concerns?

What's the difference between http://localhost:8080/ipfs/<cid> and https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/<cid>? Why do I care?

Concepts & Terms that Trip People Up

There are enough new concepts and IPFS is different enough from general server/client systems that we should probably have some kind of “concepts dictionary.” We don’t need to define all these terms there (e.g. CBOR is a pretty standard, thing though it may be obscure to many people), but we do need to be careful to always provide some reference for these terms wherever we use them, whether a link (e.g. http://cbor.io), a quick description (e.g. “CBOR (a binary version of JSON),” or something else.

Common Comparisons

We don’t need to speak too actively toward these, but these are the sorts of things people are actively comparing IPFS to. We should have ready responses or some kind of “how does it compare to…” doc — there’s no reason to come up with a unique description of the differences/pros/cons every time someone asks.

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

GitHub/Source-Related Issues

Licensing: for the most part, this is good, but:



See also https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IDVAGfniyHCJLIxLc3y7K7YTOFGCtgwTVCZEojtNLlw

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

And my last bit here, before moving on to concrete actions (will be a separate issue)…

Use Cases

These use cases focus on what people perceive they are using IPFS for, rather than how they are using it. There are a lot of cross-cutting concerns in this view, but I think it’s important to think from both perspectives.

Another formulation of the above focuses on how people are using IPFS (see note at top):

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

See #58 for plan of action based on this research.

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

Updated research docs to add notes from an interview with Geoff Hayes at Compound.Finance.

Living link: https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipns/ipfs-docs-research.robbrackett.com/html/ This version: https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmV5QdWAVbYCpcEspWu4tiCtVfdL9SESidLmnXLEJ82gdL/html/

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

Updated research docs to add notes from an interview with Eric Tang at Livepeer.

Living link: https://ipfs.io/ipns/ipfs-docs-research.robbrackett.com/html/ Permalink: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNj68gTzAs9QbfMKzMGurXP2WCmA6GTcKuUkWm4kBV1Qn/html/

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

I’m closing this issue — it’s not actionable anymore, and it will still be linked and findable from the README in #114.