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How does IPFS relate with Ethereum? #107

Closed teaalltr closed 7 years ago

teaalltr commented 8 years ago

Could you give an overview of how these two technologies could work together (if possible at all)? Can Ethereum lay upon IPFS?

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

That's a pretty abstract question. AFAIK, IPFS can be a storage layer for Ethereum. The blockchain can be stored in IPFS, sure. You can't do the computing on IPFS, though (it's a file system, or more accurately, just a DAG). You can build apps on IPFS that can be run, but they won't be executed (like Ethereum).

I would read around a bit more. Not sure where for now, though, so I'm assigning @jbenet to this.

stevenh512 commented 8 years ago

Some Ethereum developers are basically using IPFS as a stand-in for their own distributed filesystem (SWARM) until it's ready. If you're building a distributed app for Ethereum, the entire backend lives on the blockchain as smart contracts. If you decide your app should have a HTML/javascript frontend, that's where IPFS comes in, you can publish the static HTML and javascript to IPFS just as easily as you could publish it to a web server or GitHub Pages.

Aside from that, and the fact that they're both decentralized peer-to-peer protocols, as far as I know they're not related.

laygr commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to ONLY allow an ethereum contract to upload files? If so, can you give any pointer to the relevant docs?

madavieb commented 7 years ago

This issue has been moved to https://discuss.ipfs.io/t/how-does-ipfs-relate-with-ethereum/414.