ipfs-inactive / kubernetes-ipfs

[ARCHIVED] kubernetes-ipfs
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Nice to have in the DSL #16

Open hsanjuan opened 7 years ago

hsanjuan commented 7 years ago

I'm going to keep track here of a few things that cross my mind and that would be nice to have:

dgrisham commented 7 years ago

It'd be nice to be able to do something to the effect of

    - HASH_[1..10]

rather than

    - HASH_1
    - HASH_2
    - HASH_10

step: Save LANADDR for all nodes
on_node: 1
end_node: 10
cmd: "ipfs id -f "<addrs>" | grep 172
   - line: 0
     save_to: LANADDR$i

One way to implement this might be to have a 'global' environment, which includes environment variables that are available both outside of cmds and also 'inside' (within the containers themselves).

ZenGround0 commented 7 years ago

A few of the above suggestions have been addressed in some form in recent additions to the DSL.

ZenGround0 commented 7 years ago

It would be nice to account for basic arithmetic when making substitutions during the parameterization pre-processing step. For example the current cluster-test runner script needs to write 13 parameters to the config in order to substitute in all the necessary parameters. However all 13 parameters are derivable from two root parameters by addition, multiplication and division by constants (e.g. N: 4, Y: 3, N_times_4: 16, ParamA: 2*N*Y + Y/3...). Only including addition, multiplication and parentheses ordering would make parameterizing a lot cleaner.