ipfs-inactive / package-managers

[ARCHIVED] 📦 IPFS Package Managers Task Force
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Cladistic tree of depths of integration #50

Closed warpfork closed 5 years ago

warpfork commented 5 years ago

Preface: Understanding package managers -- let alone comprehensively enough to begin to describe the design spaces for growing them towards decentralizating and imagining the design space future ones -- is eternally tricky. I've been hoping to get some more stuff rolling in terms of either short checklists, or terminology that we might define to help shortcut design discussions to clarity faster, and so on. This is another attempt, and it certainly won't be an end-all, all-inclusive, etc; but it's a shot.

This is a quick, fairly high-level outline of tactical implementation choices that one could imagine making when designing a package manager with some level of IPFS integration.

We could present this as a cladistic tree of tactical choices, one bool choice at a time:

The "TODO" on the end is intentional :) and should be read as an open invitation for future thoughts. I suspect there's a lot of diverse choices possible here.

Another angle for looking at this is which broad categories of operation are part of the duties typically expected of the hosting side of a package manager:

This is a much more compact view of things, but interestingly, the cladistic tree above maps surprising closely to this: as the tree above gets deeper, we're basically moving from "content" to "distributing the index" to (at the end, in TODOspace of the cladistic tree) "distributed publishing".

These are just a couple of angles to look at things from. Are there better ways to lay this out? Can we resolve deeper into that tree to see what yet-more decentralized operations would look like?

andrew commented 5 years ago

I put together a quick visual tree version of this on mural: https://app.mural.co/t/protocollabs6957/m/protocollabs6957/1556717261380/7d93181e586fc3416ef88a42ba6d6df4b964c89b

Screenshot 2019-05-07 at 16 05 01

Planning on expanding it with the different paths that certain categories of package manager are likely to take.

andrew commented 5 years ago

Going to be moving the content of this issue into the /docs in the repository in https://github.com/ipfs/package-managers/pull/53

jessicaschilling commented 5 years ago

Wow, TIL that Mural is incredibly lacking as far as flowcharting is concerned. Sadness. With that in mind and with apologies to @andrew, I reorganized this in more of a table structure so that we could add @warpfork's original explanatory text (and ideally make this more consumable by external audiences). Link to the Mural is here and screenshot pasted below for good measure.

@andrew -- when you get a moment, do you mind moving the Mural out of your personal room and into the main package managers directory I just added to Mural?

Everyone else -- suggestions/addenda/corrections more than welcome!


warpfork commented 5 years ago

Ohwow, you managed to add nontrivial amounts of text to mural, AND make it pretty. This is super nice! :D:D

One thing I notice now that I look at the content in this nice layout is that the last branch is kind of a pattern-breaker: all the earlier ones, "yes" is the "nice" answer. Not so with the last one. If anyone can think of a better way to phrase that question, I think there's deffo room for improvement there.

jessicaschilling commented 5 years ago

@warpfork Yeah, that bothered me too. See below for alternate, but is "granular" the right word to use in the blue question box? Is there a better word? ETA: Granular is fine. Document updated. image

andrew commented 5 years ago

Slightly related old pile of notes I made for approaches based on different implementations: https://gist.github.com/andrew/cda6a99556152e3a65794406d093fada

andrew commented 5 years ago

I also attempted to make the tree as a mermaid diagram: https://hackmd.io/rX0G1w1oQJGXh5kwlRZovw

Screenshot 2019-05-16 at 14 01 53

Works quite well, although you have to control the line breaks yourself which is slightly annoying with longer lines of text.