ipfs-shipyard / Durin

Native mobile apps for share actions on iOS and Android
MIT License
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Verify blocks when shared over Airdrop/Share nearby #36

Open meandavejustice opened 1 year ago

meandavejustice commented 1 year ago

The idea here is that a file can be broken up into blocks locally in durin and a cid is generated. It would be sent over Airdrop/Share Nearby as blocks/car file and then reassembed on the receiving durin client and matched to the sending cid.


Do we get value here? This would be verifying that the transport is not modifying the file. That’s nice I suppose, but I feel we would get more value from implementing the light client for trustless gateways. It seems to make more sense to verify blocks coming from the network instead of a client you are already trusting to share via Airdrop/Share Nearby