ipfs-shipyard / Durin

Native mobile apps for share actions on iOS and Android
MIT License
46 stars 5 forks source link

Berty's OrbitDB + Bluetooth #4

Closed TheRook closed 1 year ago

TheRook commented 1 year ago

Berty uses IPFS and wrote their own magic Bluetooth sync layer for mobile: https://berty.tech/blog/bluetooth-low-energy/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC-tXnMyiBc&t=1s

They are open source on github and have both an iOS and Android implementation, reach out to Berty and tell them about Durin's file sharing over bluetooth and hopefully you both can use a common protocol that works between both of your apps and any other app that wants file sharing on IPFS.

meandavejustice commented 1 year ago

Hey @TheRook thanks for reaching out. We are aware of Berty's awesome work on mobile. We will definitely be in touch with them

TheRook commented 1 year ago

Dope project btw. I would be more upfront about the fact that government can just ask Apple to shutdown file sharing and that isn't cool. I wish the public announcement was a bit more political given the current news.