ipfs-shipyard / Durin

Native mobile apps for share actions on iOS and Android
MIT License
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Remove ipfs-search from featured apps section #42

Closed meandavejustice closed 9 months ago

meandavejustice commented 1 year ago

message from https://ipfs-search.com:

Dear Valued Users & Supporters,

Since 2016 we have been providing neutral, privacy-friendly Open Source search for Web3. We stand at a critical crossroads, committed to maintaining our crucial role in the Web3 ecosystem amidst operational costs and our personal sustenance needs.

Unless additional funding comes through, we will shut down our public APIs June the 7th, 2023, we don't know for how long. As of now, site search is already suspended, but API access remains until then.

We see this hurdle not as the end of our journey, but a challenging bend in the road. To help us steer through, please share our situation within the community and consider supporting us directly through OpenCollective. We're always here to answer your questions at info@ipfs-search.com.

We'll share updates here and on Twitter.

Thank you for your understanding and unwavering support.


The ipfs-search.com Team

Mathijs de Bruin Frido Emans Aad Versteden