ipfs-shipyard / dataviz

ipfs data visualizations
MIT License
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Circle packing viz #2

Open harlantwood opened 9 years ago

harlantwood commented 9 years ago

It would be very easy to add a circle packing viz like this one once we are happy with the tree viz in #1 -- the code is nearly identical, just swapping layout. If you try out the link above, click to zoom.

jbenet commented 9 years ago

@harlantwood yes! btw, some of the circle packing ones have nice "exploration" modes. i cant find a good example but imagine http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607535 + a "depth" limit on rendering. when you zoom, more nodes are rendered. good for exploring massive dags.

harlantwood commented 9 years ago

Yeah! Love it.