ipfs-shipyard / dataviz

ipfs data visualizations
MIT License
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dag visualized as a tree #5

Closed jbenet closed 8 years ago

jbenet commented 8 years ago

e27f6a4 (Juan Batiz-Benet, 3 minutes ago)

optional newline in regex (daemon changed)

ffdb0b2 (Juan Batiz-Benet, 14 hours ago)

added all-versions

a383961 (Juan Batiz-Benet, 14 hours ago)

Makefile now builds before publish

e44b51a (Harlan T Wood, 2 months ago)


License: MIT Signed-off-by: Harlan T Wood <code@harlantwood.net>

107ec66 (Harlan T Wood, 3 months ago)

rename variable

License: MIT Signed-off-by: Harlan T Wood <code@harlantwood.net>

6021cea (Harlan T Wood, 3 months ago)

Tree-shaped visualization of IPFS DAG.

License: MIT Signed-off-by: Harlan T Wood <code@harlantwood.net>

1e5b0a2 (Harlan T Wood, 3 months ago)

D3 + D3 tree example + license
jbenet commented 8 years ago

@harlantwood i'm going to merge this one -- fixed a newline thing and improved the makefile. thanks again!

jbenet commented 8 years ago

to try it out, see: http://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmVppgFNC8TCJg3zJmSebFtZAJRSw1pS8seuYVstbzEW78/viz#QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D

(but not yet-- @lgierth looks like we haven't deployed the readable-API changes? thought we had? cc @krl)

ghost commented 8 years ago

@krl pinged me about that a couple of days ago and the gateways are running this commit since then: https://github.com/ipfs/infrastructure/commit/dd11325f869611a00987029ee8796fad310aaa23

ghost commented 8 years ago

Hrm except they don't...

jbenet commented 8 years ago

explorable dag, looks very cool!!!

(the ipfs dataviz tree stored on an ipfs tree, visualized as a tree on ipfs)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Nevermind, the gateways do run ipfs/go-ipfs@fbac82046dd28e6d98c34db88db9f56d7b617027 as expected

krl commented 8 years ago

@lgierth This is what i get:

http://gateway.ipfs.io/api/v0/cat?arg=%2Fipfs%2FQmZTR5bcpQD7cFgTorqxZDYaew1Wqgfbd2ud9QqGPAkK2V&stream-channels=true Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
http://gateway.ipfs.io/api/v0/cat?arg=%2Fipns%2FQmReJX55vhC5HbkBEZFW9V37vvirR1E7s2JW63cRt23BiN&stream-channels=true Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
http://gateway.ipfs.io/api/v0/object/get?arg=%2Fipfs%2FQmZTR5bcpQD7cFgTorqxZDYaew1Wqgfbd2ud9QqGPAkK2V&stream-channels=true Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
http://gateway.ipfs.io/api/v0/id?stream-channels=true Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
http://gateway.ipfs.io/api/v0/object/get?arg=%2Fipns%2FQmReJX55vhC5HbkBEZFW9V37vvirR1E7s2JW63cRt23BiN&stream-channels=true Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
krl commented 8 years ago

The id should fail of course

jbenet commented 8 years ago

maybe an nginx route missing?

ghost commented 8 years ago

I know, I get the same.

This seems to work fine though:

curl -v 'gateway.ipfs.io/api/v0/cat?arg=%2Fipfs%2FQmZTR5bcpQD7cFgTorqxZDYaew1Wqgfbd2ud9QqGPAkK2V&stream-channels=true'

and also works if I directly request it in the browser: http://gateway.ipfs.io/api/v0/cat?arg=%2Fipfs%2FQmZTR5bcpQD7cFgTorqxZDYaew1Wqgfbd2ud9QqGPAkK2V&stream-channels=true

Not sure what's happening, maybe a lack of CORS headers or something like that?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Mh no, it must be nginx yielding a 403 for some reason.

jbenet commented 8 years ago

oh it might be CORS, not sure. see the updated docs on ipfs daemon:

> ipfs daemon --help

    HTTP Headers

    IPFS supports passing arbitrary headers to the API and Gateway. You can
    do this by setting headers on the API.HTTPHeaders and Gateway.HTTPHeaders

        ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.X-Special-Header '["so special :)"]'
        ipfs config --json Gateway.HTTPHeaders.X-Special-Header '["so special :)"]'

    Note that the value of the keys is an _array_ of strings. This is because
    headers can have more than one value, and it is convenient to pass through
    to other libraries.

    CORS Headers (for API)

    You can setup CORS headers the same way:

        ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'
        ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'
        ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials '["true"]'


    Previously, IPFS used an environment variable as seen below:

       export API_ORIGIN="http://localhost:8888/"

    This is deprecated. It is still honored in this version, but will be removed in a
    future version, along with this notice. Please move to setting the HTTP Headers.
krl commented 8 years ago

as on irc: gateway api test page:


same page but local:


harlantwood commented 8 years ago

Awesome, looks like this is working on the gateway now : )

jbenet commented 8 years ago

@harlantwood nice!

btw, looks like the dag is unixfs aware? (i.e. distinguishes files and dirs). so i cant use it to visualize file chunking algorithms. it may be worth not distinguishing unixfs, and just showing the raw dag (i.e. files have links too)

harlantwood commented 8 years ago

Not on purpose ; )

It's pulling all refs from the refs api call: https://github.com/ipfs/dataviz/pull/5/files#diff-aab1e940c09e6ef405d72f6e75b9a432R15

Is that call suppose to be unixfs aware?

We are switching over to using the ipfs node api lib, and the ls command from that, in another viz. We could move this D3 viz to that too, if that call is better behaved...