ipfs-shipyard / i18n

IPFS Translation Project
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Translation Organization at Transifex #3

Closed lidel closed 5 years ago

lidel commented 5 years ago


Q: What happens when i18n efforts grow bigger and cover more than IPFS? A: ?


Right now we have IPFS Org at https://www.transifex.com/ipfs/public/ with the community of over 50+ translators.

In the past weeks other projects such as IPLD, libp2p, Filecoin reached out and mentioned interest in enabling translation of CLI/GUI tools, documentation and websites at some point in the future.

We also have more and more video materials from events hosted by Protocol Labs that could get captioning. The topic range of those spans across all PL endeavors and is tricky to put them in a specific box.

Overall, projects, communities and teams grow and we should have a strategy ready when some of them decide to join translation efforts.

To bootstrap the discussion, I wrote some notes and described three simple strategies below.


Strategy A (Use IPFS Org as i18n "incubator")

Strategy B (Create separate Orgs from the beginning)

Strategy C (Consolidate everything under a single Org)

I probably skipped a lot of nuance, but it should be a good conversation starter.

While Strategy (A) and (C) could work for libp2p, IPLD or Multiformats, for Filecoin we want to have separate organization on Transifex from the start (Strategy B). Separate Org provides better control over quality of translations. I confirmed with Transifex we are able to share paid plan across multiple orgs, or use free versions / separate plans if we choose to do so.

Feedback would be very much appreciated.

cc'd some of stakeholders: @olizilla @diasdavid @doctorrobinson @jesseclay @mikeal @pkafei @terichadbourne @michellebrous @mishmosh

lidel commented 5 years ago

For the record, we went with Strategy B (Create separate Orgs from the beginning)