ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-primer

A primer explaining IPFS and the Decentralized Web, viewable as a website, pdf or e-book
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Add Tutorial: Building Decentralised Realtime Collaborative Applications #33

Open flyingzumwalt opened 6 years ago

flyingzumwalt commented 6 years ago

@chadoh would you be interested in helping to turn this tutorial that @pgte made into a Tutorial in the DWeb primer? It would mainly be about adding the lesson-by-lesson, step-by-step structure, using @pgte's slides as graphics. For some of the explainer sections, we will be able to use the videos that @pgte and @diasdavid are making based on this tutorial.

chadoh commented 6 years ago

I am tentatively interested! I haven't had time to look into it yet, and am not sure how much time it will take. I'm currently on vacation. I will look deeper within the next couple days and give an estimate of when I think I could have it done.

flyingzumwalt commented 6 years ago

I forgot to add a link to the original tutorial!

chadoh commented 6 years ago

I think I can get to this over Thanksgiving. Looks like a great tutorial.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@flyingzumwalt Would love to help out in adding to the primer here.

I'm just getting back into hands-on development stuff after doing some design/technical writing/marketing stuff (hence the new github account) and have been diving into IPFS as a possible backbone for a social project I've been looking at. Have been pretty impressed with IPFS so far and would love to help...

chadoh commented 6 years ago

@RunLaszloRun I obviously failed to do this over Thanksgiving and was going to set aside some time over the Christmas holiday to look into it. But if you want to take it instead, feel free!

ghost commented 6 years ago

@chadoh Cool, I'll take a pass when I get a chance. Should the overall style/format be like the others in the primer? Prob a silly question but thought I'd ask before maybe heading down the wrong path.