ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-share-files

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No UI guarding against dweb.link 504 Gateway Time-out #124

Open bam80 opened 3 years ago

bam80 commented 3 years ago

I've uploaded a file but eventually got error above by opening the link: https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeieft247urh5buomrx5ejaghnhvkbqnpvyqkfho5b2ia3b4jqynfw4?filename=Screenshot_20210210_235026.png

Is it works at all? FF 85.0

welcome[bot] commented 3 years ago

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lidel commented 3 years ago

It sounds like you closed the tab before the file got propagated to public gateways. Can you repeat the test?

bam80 commented 3 years ago

No I didn't close the tab. However, it works now.

bam80 commented 3 years ago

Are there some logs left somewhere so we could debug why it didn't work yesterday?

bam80 commented 3 years ago

Now I'm trying another file and got the same result - the link opening endlessly: https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeihj6mw4snjdtdey3arvma2pys7ga7axo7k5g56yj53tbkqv7klkte?filename=Screenshot_20210121_235419.png

lidel commented 3 years ago

I think it could be a public gateway being overloaded at the moment.

You can take a look at browser Console or Network tab and see if preload call finished successfully (requests to *.preload.ipfs.io). If this fails or takes long time, dweb.link won't be able to find a provider for the data.

Usually its fast enough to not worry about it, but may get problematic on slow connections.

I think we could provide some UI that indicates the status of preload + tests availability at dweb.link via (HTTP HEAD request for each file) and until it is confirmed make those UI elements inactive.

I don't have bandwidth for this, but PR welcome.

bam80 commented 3 years ago

Only now the second file loaded, so I uploaded a new one.

*.preload.ipfs.io is always returns OK (200). The new file again shows 504 Gateway Time-out error after ~10min of trying.

I think it could be a public gateway being overloaded at the moment.

In this case you should be able to reproduce the issue? Could you confirm? https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeibg7l56pzxn6sqhwnixmx64vp2rpitvuzx5unhqeqnqkmpu3syjne?filename=Screenshot_20210120_154805.png

Usually its fast enough to not worry about it

It lasts for hours, so the experience is inappropriate here.

I don't have bandwidth for this, but PR welcome.

Unfortunately I don't have the needed experience.

bam80 commented 3 years ago

I think it could be a public gateway being overloaded at the moment.

Could we probe different gateway in this case, or it's the best we can do already?

lidel commented 3 years ago

@bam80 for what its worth, your links load fine on my end :)

Are you behind The Great Firewall of China by any chance? In restrictive environments (or if you need more reliable solution than a public gateway) you and people you share data with may want to run Brave browser (or IPFS Desktop) with additional Companion browser extension enabled to ensure your local node is used instead of a public one.

bam80 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, since few hours the links become working it seem.

Are you behind The Great Firewall of China by any chance?

No, but I'm behind my router, if it matters. I'm still hoping to recommend this solution for people not able/willing to install any extra software..

see if preload call finished successfully (requests to *.preload.ipfs.io)

BTW, does it mean I don't need to keep the page open any more if the .preload POST requests return OK?

bam80 commented 3 years ago

@lidel you was right, IPFS Desktop punched hole in upstream port of my router via UPnP, and it started working even for public gateways. Any chance the same could be supported in js-ipfs?