ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-thing-2022

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Building Apps on IPFS Track wrangling #100

Open bmann opened 2 years ago

bmann commented 2 years ago

Hey @ianopolous @smrz2001

You've all proposed presentations (rather than discussions) that seem to be intros / overviews.

My goal for this track is to work together to discuss what building apps on IPFS means, figure out interop, figure out how to get more people building on IPFS, and how we can work together to accomplish that.

The 10am slot that has @expede in it, seems like instead it could include @ianopolous @smrz2001 together discussing the elements of how their systems work, how they read/write to IPFS, and how other developers can build on their stack and protocols. How does that sound? I'm going to go ahead and make a first draft of that.

I'd suggest 10min each overview, and then we'll have 30 minutes at the end for open discussion and issue harvesting.

(and really, the 9am first discussion slot is to set the stage and see what we need to discuss, and share what everyone's challenges are!)

I'd encourage everyone to think about:

Also, my plan is to break at 15:00 -- leaving 4 hours before dinner which we can leave open for lightning talks and/or break into working groups as needed on specific topics.

Please DO share resources ahead of time -- many of you have given some of these presentations before, and we can share that with everyone. Please leave links in the comments!

CACAO and DID Session Keys https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-thing-2022/pull/80

This talk describes how the Ceramic network uses IPLD-based CACAO (C-hain A-gnostic CA-pability O-bjects) signed using DID Session Keys to provide fine-grained, time-bound access control for users of Web3 applications.

Decentralized Cloud Functions with Fluence & IPFS https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-thing-2022/pull/78

Fluence overview: Aqua p2p language, Marine Wasm runtime, IPFS

PKI, Access control and Secure Applications

A deep dive into the Peergos architecture for identity, access control, privacy and our 3rd-party-application sandbox.


bmann commented 2 years ago

OK, I have rejigged things as follows:

We'll do a 30min intro session from 9 - 9:30am. 9:30am - 11am will be identity/access control/private data session with @ianopolous @smrz2001 @expede all doing short 10-15min overview of their architecture, and then we can move to discussion.

ianopolous commented 2 years ago

Sounds fine to me.