ipfs-shipyard / peer-blog

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Blog MVP Wireframes #1

Open lynnandtonic opened 6 years ago

lynnandtonic commented 6 years ago

These are wireframes for a Blog MVP. This is a base set of features for the user-facing blog and the admin interface. It is expected that later on more features will be added or existing features will be expanded.

Wireframes are outlined here (with some additional details accompanying specific views):

  1. The user-facing blog interface which includes: a. blog home (preview a list of posts, in reverse chronological order) b. blog post view (read the full text of an individual post) c. archive view (preview a list of posts by year) d. tags view (preview a list of posts by a specific tag) e. author view (preview a list of posts by a specific author)
  2. The admin interface which includes: a. login (securely access admin interface) b. posts view (preview a list of published posts and drafts) c. new post view (create a new post) d. edit draft view (edit/save, delete, or publish an unpublished draft) e. edit post view (edit/publish or delete a published post) f. comments view (preview/delete comments on posts) g. users view (manage a list of users) h. edit user view (manage a specific user)

1a. Blog Home

blog home

1b. Blog Post View

blog entry

1c. Blog Archive View

blog archive

1d. Blog Tags View

blog tags

1e. Blog Author View

blog author

2a. Admin Login View

admin - login

2b. Admin Posts View

admin - posts

2c. Admin New Post View

admin - new post

2d. Admin Edit Draft (unpublished) View

admin - edit draft

2e. Admin Edit Post (published) View

admin - edit published post

2f. Admin Comments View

admin - comments For this initial release, you can delete comments. Further comment management would be in later releases.

2g. Admin Users View

admin - users

2h. Admin Edit User View

admin - edit user

one000mph commented 6 years ago

@diasdavid @akrych we'd like some feedback on these wireframes, specifically around the admin interface 2a-2h. Could you provide some this week async or we can schedule a short call? Thank you!

akrych commented 6 years ago

Sure, I will look at this today :)

akrych commented 6 years ago

I think everything looking good :) just 3 things:

  1. I would personally add to the single post the possibility to share in social media or by link to friend :)
  2. I have problem with this "add new post" button on the left at the place of a logo. Where we will have the brand mark of blog?
  3. At the last screen I didn't find possibility to edit/add role. Is that possible?

Besides this, Great job! I really like Author View :) 👍

lynnandtonic commented 6 years ago

@akrych Thanks for your thoughts! I appreciate it!

I updated the wireframes above to reflect your #2 and #3 feedback.

Social sharing for posts feels like a "later" feature after the initial MVP, but I also suspect it's not a heavy lift to implement and we may end up adding it during development.