ipfs-shipyard / pinning-service-compliance

This repo checks the compliance of IPFS Pinning Services against the pinning spec
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Add Crust pinning service to compliance checks #154

Open SgtPooki opened 1 year ago

SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

See https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-webui/pull/1854

In order to add a new pinning service provider the changes should be made in the following locations:

badkk commented 1 year ago

Hey @SgtPooki , PR already been created, for the SECRETS:

  1. For CRUST_API_ENDPOINT, you can use the public endpoint, which is https://pin.crustcode.com/psa
  2. For CRUST_API_TOKEN, you can follow this article to generate yourself: https://wiki.crust.network/docs/en/buildIPFSW3AuthPin#usage
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 1.3.1 :tada:

The release is available on:

Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket:

SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

@badkk it looks crust is failing all checks. is this expected? https://ipfs-shipyard.github.io/pinning-service-compliance/pin.crustcode.com.html

badkk commented 1 year ago

@badkk it looks crust is failing all checks. is this expected? https://ipfs-shipyard.github.io/pinning-service-compliance/pin.crustcode.com.html

Hey @SgtPooki I saw you merged the PR, do you still got question?

SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

@badkk yes, why is crust failing all of the compliance checks? Ideally, we would want to ensure crust is somewhat compliant with the pinning service spec prior to resolving https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-webui/pull/1854

SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

@badkk Crust still seems to be failing all checks with "reason": "UNAUTHORIZED", "details": "Invalid Signature" even though the signature was generated using previously given instructions.

Please let us know if there is some account setup or something that needs to be done. Otherwise, we will be removing crust from the compliance checker.

badkk commented 9 months ago

@badkk Crust still seems to be failing all checks with "reason": "UNAUTHORIZED", "details": "Invalid Signature" even though the signature was generated using previously given instructions.

Please let us know if there is some account setup or something that needs to be done. Otherwise, we will be removing crust from the compliance checker.

Would you mind to test w/this example?

curl --location 'https://pin.crustcode.com/psa/pins' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer c3ViLWNUR01xVHdjck5FZnJ1VVV2SG1pS012MnVnSzJiemM1d2p0TmI3SkNxM0R0UG04c3Y6MHgzODU1ZDNkY2Y0OTYwYjhhMzY3MmEzYTRmNGRiYjNhMWFjMDkyNDNhODdmNDgxOTdmZmUxNTRkNDExZmUzZjQ2MDhhZDY4ODUzOGNmMTk3MWE2Zjg5NTVhZjJmOWFjYzkwYjdiYzZlZGVkMzBjNmIyZGM2NGZhZGI4ZGQ1MmM4Ng==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "cid": "QmaK2WnUQ8FPVq3gGhHZi7VuWt3ikkrCCnPcqjFUg7vQDP",
    "name": "crust-evm-arch"