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List all the projects that are related to a decentralised and self-sovereign identity #3

Open satazor opened 5 years ago

satazor commented 5 years ago

There are a lot of people and projects addressing decentralised and self-sovereign identity, from formal specs to apps. We should list them so that we can get a better understanding of the space.


r0kk3rz commented 5 years ago

Hi, we have also been looking into this problem and have come up with the following as a solution. https://github.com/zippiehq/vault https://github.com/zippiehq/vault-api

It is a way to generate, use, and recover asymmetric crypto keypairs entirely client side in the browser, useful for generating signatures for identity proofs.

We use this in our crypto currency wallet project, but we have plans to extend that to a general self sovereign identity system

satazor commented 5 years ago

@r0kk3rz interesting project, there's indeed similarities to what we are building. Could you explain a bit of what https://github.com/zippiehq/amnesiacstore is and how it's used to share the master seed? Looking at the project code it seems that similar to DID's Identity Hub in concept, more specifically the inbox + storage part.

r0kk3rz commented 5 years ago

yeah we really need to document that part. It is a sort of 'identity hub' that we have as a simple restful web service for now, and we have some ideas about decentralising that further.

It has a few different interaction models, but they mostly revolve around providing a signed timestamp to perform an action (get or delete). We split the masterseed up using shamirs secret sharing and store part of it on amnesiacstore against a device specific key

satazor commented 5 years ago

Looking forward to see what you are building! I've added Vault to the list of similar projects. If you to share more details on what you are building or follow the progress of IDM, you may attend the Weekly DDC meetings. Issue for the next meeting is here: https://github.com/ipfs/dynamic-data-and-capabilities/issues/72