ipfs-shipyard / workshop-todo-dapp

A workshop into adding realtime collaboration in a typical To-do app
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Review and give feedback on the workshop #2

Open satazor opened 5 years ago

satazor commented 5 years ago

We will be giving this workshop in DWeb Summit. It would be awesome to get some feedback on possible improvements on the walkthrough. ❤️

I will be updating the list of suggestions below based on the feedback:

pgte commented 5 years ago

Hi @gpestana @victorbjelkholm @b5 👋 Me, @diasdavid and @satazor are planning on, next week, giving this workshop named "Building Mutable Apps on the Immutable Decentralized Web", where we'll be helping people creating a DApps using IPFS.

We'd love to have your feedback. If you have a few minutes, please go through the instructions in the README.

Thank you! :)

gpestana commented 5 years ago

Wow, this is super cool! Can we use it in the next distsys meetup? I'm sure the people would love it! 😄

Some comments:

Super nice! I will run the code and test it myself later today and add more comments. Good work!

pgte commented 5 years ago

@gpestana great feedback, thank you!

victorb commented 5 years ago

Seems to be working fine, went through the exercise and understood everything and stuff synced between browsers, woho! There are some minor spelling mistakes though, such as peer-start-app and one case of calling a function updateTitle instead of the correct updateCompleted.

It might be useful to have step 7.2. Keep track of peersCount in the UI before the testing if remote collaborator works, or add some sort of loading indicator, because at first it seems to not be working, but it just hasn't had time to connect to the other peer yet, might confuse people that it's not working when they just have to wait for a few seconds. It takes a few seconds locally on my desktop, so on a overloaded wifi, it might take even longer, especially when people start trying it with each other.

Which brings me to another point, if everyone follows the workshop and use the same "collaboration id", it might end up a bit messy while developer. Might be good to advise people to chose a unique collaboration ID if they get disturbed by many different people working on the same todo list, but it's also a really cool demo that you can see everyones todos!

Otherwise, really nice demo and super easy to understand, excellent use of the traditional todo app example :)

satazor commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much for all the feedback so far, very valuable. I will be updating the list of changes with all the feedback given so far. ❤️

satazor commented 5 years ago

@VictorBjelkholm is there any sub-domain of ipfs.io that we could use for the “Deploying to IPFS”? Note that it must have https.

victorb commented 5 years ago

@satazor we can always use *.ipfs.team for demos, just tell me what subdomain you want :)

satazor commented 5 years ago

Can it be todo-dapp.ipfs.team?

satazor commented 5 years ago

@VictorBjelkholm I updated the name to todo-dapp.ipfs.team, was it in time? :p

satazor commented 5 years ago

What are you guys thinking to add on the "8. Deploying the application on IPFS" part? Maybe a fully automated script, walkthrough it and run it would be nice.

This will be a simple step by step:

And maybe, add optional steps explaining how to use ipns and how dnslink works with a domain.

gpestana commented 5 years ago

Sounds good!

And maybe, add optional steps explaining how to use ipns and how dnslink works with a domain.

That would be 💯 !

satazor commented 5 years ago

@pgte I guess you don't the time to do the maybe alone event so that we can display the loading in the peers count right?