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Issue when adding file with a block service initialized with bitswap. `panic: runtime error` #575

Closed GeorgePapageorgakis closed 9 months ago

GeorgePapageorgakis commented 9 months ago


I am new in IPFS and I am trying to setup a new boxo ipfs network in my app using bitswap based on the example Downloading a UnixFS file

However, I cannot find any documentation about how am I supposed to get the file from the peer. The example was just a server client with offline.Exchange blockstore. I am at a point where my app crashes when I try to attach a file to DAG in the case where I have already instatiated the blockservice.New.. with BitSwap instead of offline.Exchange(bs).

Here are some logs and code.

Here is the peer from whom I send the file using the "offline.Exchange(bs)"

19:23:29.937 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:23:29.936Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:82  IPFS BitSwap Service Running...
19:25:06.545 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.542Z    DEBUG   rendezvouz  networkmodule/chat.go:166   sending through streams 3029977 Bytes
19:25:06.545 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.543Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:122 AddFileToIPFSNetwork...
19:25:06.546 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.546Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:146 AddFileToIPFSNetwork done, cid: bafybeichui6s6lu26uragxswp43oekfzc5urfijehd3dwvfq3zlo7fw46e
19:25:06.546 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.546Z    DEBUG   rendezvouz  networkmodule/networkmodule.go:101  sendDataStream: New File CID: bafybeichui6s6lu26uragxswp43oekfzc5urfijehd3dwvfq3zlo7fw46e
19:25:06.546 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.546Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:152 GetFileBytesFromIpfs: in...
19:25:06.546 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.546Z    DEBUG   unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:159 GetFileBytesFromIpfs: get DAGService Node of the CID.
19:25:06.546 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.546Z    DEBUG   unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:166 GetFileBytesFromIpfs: Convert the DAG node to a UnixFS node.
19:25:06.546 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.546Z    DEBUG   unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:173 GetFileBytesFromIpfs: Read the file data from UnixFs node.
19:25:06.548 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.547Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:184 GetFileBytesFromIpfs: out.
19:25:06.548 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.547Z    INFO    rendezvouz  networkmodule/networkmodule.go:108  sendDataStream bytes for CID, original length = 3029977 - from ipfs length = 3029977
19:25:06.548 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:25:06.547Z    INFO    rendezvouz  networkmodule/networkmodule.go:111  sendDataStream peerID = 12D3KooWKAHtDxcEfNsEhgGVVsoKhhrPVXAfYzCMKxD88dtSqqLP

On the other side the other peer that I send the CID to, cannot find it as expected:

19:19:20.813 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:19:20.813Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:82  IPFS BitSwap Service Running...
19:19:45.186 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:19:45.185Z    DEBUG   rendezvouz  networkmodule/networkmodule.go:69   got a new stream: 12D3KooWQT-1-7 with protocol: /chat_protocol/2.0.0
19:20:50.112 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:20:50.108Z    DEBUG   rendezvouz  networkmodule/networkmodule.go:69   got a new stream: 12D3KooWQT-1-8 with protocol: /file_share/2.0.0
19:20:50.112 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:20:50.108Z    INFO    rendezvouz  networkmodule/networkmodule.go:80   readDataStream from peerID = 12D3KooWQT-1-8
19:20:50.113 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:20:50.109Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:152 GetFileBytesFromIpfs: in...
19:20:50.113 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:20:50.109Z    DEBUG   unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:159 GetFileBytesFromIpfs: get DAGService Node of the CID.
19:20:50.113 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:20:50.110Z    ERROR   unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:162 Error getting node from DAGService:block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find bafybeichui6s6lu26uragxswp43oekfzc5urfijehd3dwvfq3zlo7fw46e
19:20:50.113 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T17:20:50.110Z    ERROR   rendezvouz  networkmodule/networkmodule.go:88   readDataStream bytes: p G?=/.??"^V6?(?i?$8?;T??V??? Error: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find bafybeichui6s6lu26uragxswp43oekfzc5urfijehd3dwvfq3zlo7fw46e

However, when I change the BlockService instantiation to pass the bitswap as parameter in startBitSwapServer func: bsrv := blockservice.New(bs, bswap)

My app crashes and I get a runtime error:

20:17:16.946 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T18:17:16.945Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:81  IPFS BitSwap Service Running...
20:17:35.382 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T18:17:35.381Z    DEBUG   rendezvouz  networkmodule/chat.go:166   sending through streams 3029982 Bytes
20:17:35.382 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T18:17:35.381Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:121 AddFileToIPFSNetwork...
20:17:35.382 GoLog   E  2024-02-02T18:19:21.748Z    INFO    unixfs_file_cid ipfs/unixfs_file_cid.go:141 AddFileToIPFSNetwork Adding file to DAG
20:17:35.382 GoLog   E  panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference


I start the ipfs service from my main module as:

go InitIpfs(ctx, host)

This func sends the file CID in the corresponding peers:

// send byte slice to selected nodes in the network
func sendDataStream(data []byte, peerIDs []peer.ID) {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    fileCid, err := myIpfs.AddFileToIPFSNetwork(data)
    if err != nil {
    logger.Debug("sendDataStream: New File CID: ", fileCid)

    // self TEST
    testBytes, err := myIpfs.GetFileBytesFromIpfs(fileCid.Bytes())
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("readDataStream bytes length: ", len(data), " Error: ", err)
    logger.Info("sendDataStream bytes for CID, original length = ", len(data), " - from ipfs length = ", len(testBytes))

    for _, peerID := range peerIDs {
        logger.Info("sendDataStream peerID = ", peerID)
        // defer wg.Done() //ensure call in all exit paths of the goroutine to avoid deadlocks.
        go func(id peer.ID) {
            defer wg.Done()
            s, err := ourHost.NewStream(context.Background(), id, FileShareProtocolID)
            if err != nil {
                networkCallback.OnError(getError(protobuf_classes.ErrorType_ERROR_TYPE_UNPSECIFIED, fmt.Errorf("could not create stream with %s", id)))
            defer s.Close()
            writer := io.Writer(s)
            _, err = writer.Write(fileCid.Bytes())
            if err != nil {


here I read the stream on the Receiver peer:

// when a data stream is received (on the receiving end of broadcastDataStream)
func readDataStream(s network.Stream) {
    defer s.Close()
    logger.Info("readDataStream from peerID = ", s.ID())
    buf, err := io.ReadAll(s)
    if err != nil {
        networkCallback.OnError(getError(protobuf_classes.ErrorType_ERROR_TYPE_UNPSECIFIED, err))
    rxBytes, err := myIpfs.GetFileBytesFromIpfs(buf)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("readDataStream bytes: ", string(buf), " Error: ", err)
    broadcastChatRoom.Messages <- rxBytes

and here is the actual implementation of IPFS based on the example. I am not sure that func AddFileToIPFSNetwork() is correct though:

package networkmodule

import (

    logv2 "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"



    dsync "github.com/ipfs/go-datastore/sync"

    blockstore "github.com/ipfs/boxo/blockstore"
    chunker "github.com/ipfs/boxo/chunker"

    unixfile "github.com/ipfs/boxo/ipld/unixfs/file"
    uih "github.com/ipfs/boxo/ipld/unixfs/importer/helpers"

    ipld "github.com/ipfs/go-ipld-format"

    bitswap "github.com/ipfs/boxo/bitswap"
    bsnet "github.com/ipfs/boxo/bitswap/network"

var unixfs_tag string = "unixfs_file_cid"

var ipfsLogger = logv2.Logger(unixfs_tag)
var ctx context.Context
var p2pHost *host.Host
var bitSwap *bitswap.Bitswap
var myDagService ipld.DAGService

func InitIpfs(ct context.Context, host *host.Host) {
    logv2.SetLogLevel(unixfs_tag, "debug")
    ipfsLogger.Info("Initializing IPFS BitSwap Service.")
    ctx = ct
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel() // ensure context cancel when function exits.

    fullAddr := getHostAddress(*host)
    ipfsLogger.Info("I am ", fullAddr)

    p2pHost = host
    bs, err := startBitSwapServer(*host)
    if err != nil {
    bitSwap = bs
    defer bitSwap.Close() // Ensure Bitswap server is closed when function exits.
    ipfsLogger.Info("IPFS BitSwap Service Running...")
    // Run until canceled.
    ipfsLogger.Info("IPFS BitSwap Service Terminated!")

// Start Node's BitSwap Data Server
func startBitSwapServer(h host.Host) (*bitswap.Bitswap, error) {
    var router routing.ContentRouting
    ipfsLogger.Info("startBitSwapServer: in...")
    // Step 1: Set up a datastore and blockstore
    ds := dsync.MutexWrap(datastore.NewMapDatastore())
    bs := blockstore.NewBlockstore(ds)
    bs = blockstore.NewIdStore(bs) // handle identity multihashes, these don't require doing any actual lookups

    // Step 2: Start the Bitswap network service
    // TODO: ADD leveraging content routing (DHT, IPNI, delegated routing requests, etc.) as we may not know the peer we are fetching from. (?)
    bitSwapNetwork := bsnet.NewFromIpfsHost(h, router)
    bswap := bitswap.New(ctx, bitSwapNetwork, bs)

    // Step 3: Create a block service and a DAG service TODO: remove offline.Exchange(bs)
    bsrv := blockservice.New(bs, bswap)
    myDagService = merkledag.NewDAGService(bsrv) //<------------- why does it crash with bswap (?)
    // Step 4: Start listening on the Bitswap protocol
    ipfsLogger.Info("startBitSwapServer: out.")
    return bswap, nil

func getHostAddress(h host.Host) string {
    // Build host multiaddress
    hostAddr, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/p2p/%s", h.ID().String()))
    // build a full multiaddress to reach this host by encapsulating both addresses:
    addr := h.Addrs()[0]
    return addr.Encapsulate(hostAddr).String()

// creates a UnixFS node from the file bytes and adds it to the DAG.
// Returns the CID of the created UnixFS node.
func AddFileToIPFSNetwork(fileBytes []byte) (cid.Cid, error) {
    unixfsImportParams := uih.DagBuilderParams{
        Maxlinks:  uih.DefaultLinksPerBlock, // Default max of 174 links per block
        RawLeaves: true,                     // Leave the actual file bytes untouched instead of wrapping them in a dag-pb protobuf wrapper
        CidBuilder: cid.V1Builder{ // Use CIDv1 for all links
            Codec:    uint64(multicodec.DagPb),
            MhType:   uint64(multicodec.Sha2_256), // Use SHA2-256 as the hash function
            MhLength: -1,                          // Use the default hash length for the given hash function (in this case 256 bits)
        Dagserv: myDagService,
        NoCopy:  false,
    fileReader := bytes.NewReader(fileBytes)
    ufsBuilder, err := unixfsImportParams.New(chunker.NewSizeSplitter(fileReader, chunker.DefaultBlockSize))
    if err != nil {
        return cid.Undef, err
    ipfsLogger.Info("AddFileToIPFSNetwork Insert file data to DAG...")
    nd, err := balanced.Layout(ufsBuilder)
    if err != nil {
        return cid.Undef, err
    ipfsLogger.Info("AddFileToIPFSNetwork done, cid: ", nd.Cid().String())
    return nd.Cid(), nil

// Request from IPFS network and download the file identified by its Content ID
func GetFileBytesFromIpfs(cidBytes []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    ipfsLogger.Info("GetFileBytesFromIpfs: in...")
    c, err := cid.Cast(cidBytes)
    if err != nil {
        ipfsLogger.Error("Error decoding CID:", err)
        return nil, err
    // Get the DAG node for the CID
    ipfsLogger.Debug("GetFileBytesFromIpfs: get DAGService Node of the CID.")
    node, err := myDagService.Get(ctx, c)
    if err != nil {
        ipfsLogger.Error("Error getting node from DAGService:", err)
        return nil, err
    // Convert the DAG node to a UnixFS node
    ipfsLogger.Debug("GetFileBytesFromIpfs: Convert the DAG node to a UnixFS node.")
    unixFSNode, err := unixfile.NewUnixfsFile(ctx, myDagService, node)
    if err != nil {
        ipfsLogger.Error("Error converting DAG node to UnixFS node:", err)
        return nil, err
    // Read the file data from the UnixFS node
    ipfsLogger.Debug("GetFileBytesFromIpfs: Read the file data from UnixFs node.")
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    if file, ok := unixFSNode.(files.File); ok {
        _, err = io.Copy(&buf, file)
        if err != nil {
            ipfsLogger.Error("Error reading file data:", err)
            return nil, err
    } else {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected a file node, got something else")
    ipfsLogger.Info("GetFileBytesFromIpfs: out.")
    return buf.Bytes(), nil
welcome[bot] commented 9 months ago

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