ipfs / boxo

A set of reference libraries for building IPFS applications and implementations in Go.
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Duplicated Nil router #620

Closed aschmahmann closed 4 weeks ago

aschmahmann commented 4 weeks ago

There are at least two implementations of a router the does nothing:

The nil router at https://github.com/ipfs/boxo/blob/980447ea44a13729f1d6d72df9ce278608021277/routing/none/none_client.go#L49 (originally from https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-routing)

The Null router at https://github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-routing-helpers/blob/77f4db3a49f600dc6f61ae7550d1f77450334c84/null.go#L12

The latter seems like the better implementation in that it properly returns errors.

Some options for what to do here:

  1. Remove the boxo version and put some info in the changelog
  2. Deprecate the boxo version and delete it later
  3. Stub out the nil router in boxo to just instantiate the version from go-libp2p-routing-helpers and deprecate + delete later
  4. Bring the go-libp2p-routing-helpers into boxo and then break / deprecate the older version. While it could certainly live independently in practice a lot of the work on in practice I tend to see PRs to go-libp2p-routing-helpers mostly come alongside discovery of bugs, missing features, etc. needed by boxo so it might make maintainers' lives easier.

I don't see a ton of users of ConstructNilRouting so the removal is probably not that big a deal.