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Berlin Meetup #222

Open RichardLitt opened 7 years ago

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

It would be great to have a more regular Berlin meetup. I know that there have been events in the past - at Blueyard, the DApp meetup, etc - and there seems to be a vibrant community of IPFStronauts in Berlin. Would anyone be interested in more of a monthly get together, hack meeting, possibly with speakers?

cc @lgierth @hsanjuan @haadcode

hsanjuan commented 7 years ago

Organizing a meetup is not a pleasurable task (for me at least). It is very hard to do a good meetup. It should have a purpose and add real value to IPFS other than socializing (IMHO).

So the question is: does the IPFS community in Berlin need such a space? Apart from the logistic effort (venue, drink, food, advertisement, chasing down speakers, agenda), can Berlin provide [monthly] content for those meetups? Is that content going to come from other people than the core contributors? Are there interested players which could sponsor (providing venue, content etc) such meetings?

I am not sure about those things. Sure some people can just hang out and hack, but this usually does a bad job in reaching new audiences or making an impact that justifies the organizational effort.

This is my personal impression right now, but my points are arguable anyway so I could be convinced it is a good idea if people see it differently. 😸

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

I am not sure about those things.

I am not sure, either. However, I suspect that Berlin may be the best place to do this, currently. And I want to know if others think so, too. I feel that all of the points you raise can be sufficiently met given the right amount of interest.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I think we can shrink the overhead of organizing quite a bit by having it at c-base.

Content-wise, I think we can definitely come up with at least 1 presentation from the core of IPFS per month. It doesn't have to be as polished as e.g. the devcon presentations. And I'd personally be very happy with presentations that aren't specifically about IPFS or its APIs, other p2p projects do just as interesting stuff, and I'd also love for more people to talk about the politics of the internet+web.

There are also plenty of formats for meetups to pick from and try out :)

Anyhow, this would leave us with the following recurring tasks:

ghost commented 7 years ago

And I'd personally be very happy with presentations that aren't specifically about IPFS or its APIs, other p2p projects do just as interesting stuff, and I'd also love for more people to talk about the politics of the internet+web.

So this would be something like "ipfs + p2p + x"

ghost commented 7 years ago

We can probably also get most of the presentations recorded. @copernicus-mogley has a track record of making excellent recordings and live streams from ipfs meetups and other events in the p2p community.

That way there could be a benefit beyond the local community in berlin.

jbenet commented 7 years ago

SGTM. I'd be down to attend a meetup. I could give an update on IPFS too.

Also, it may be a good time to give some short, small, focused technical talks on specific things, like multihash, multiaddr, libp2p stack, gx, climate data, ... etc.

copernicus-mogley commented 7 years ago

I can certainly record and stream a meetup at any time, though I should point out that C-Base has equipment and skills to livestream as well. It might be easier and better quality for them to do it. In any case, I'd love to attend an IPFS meetup and visit with you all.

joeblew99 commented 7 years ago


I am in Berlin and hacking on multi / ipfs. Very interesting what's happing.

Did the Berlin move forward ?

joeblew99 commented 7 years ago

I think a presentation on the multi stack is needed. It's amazing tech and getting to understand the use cases envisioned with this is a god starting point to get to see why it's useful to use it

jbenet commented 7 years ago

thanks-- i dont think this happened, but there's enough interest for something regular.

I haven't yet given talks about multiformats specifically, but i usually wrap it up in other talks. eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soUG72j7kB0

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

I am currently in Berlin, and will be until May 12th.

Anyone fancy an IPFS Un-meetup meetup at a nice bar? Decentralized web chats?

cc @hsanjuan @lgierth @haadcode @copernicus-mogley

eocarragain commented 6 years ago

Hi all There is an informal meetup in Berlin next week with some discussion of use-cases for how IPFS might apply in the context of preserving research data: https://www.meetup.com/ScienceB0/events/248464271/. It is being organised by the "Blockchain for Science" group, but the emphasis should be on distributed storage and dweb rather than blockchain. It would be great to have some core IPFS/Protocol devs there, @hsanjuan @lgierth @haadcode?

@hsanjuan ipfs-cluster is extremely relevant to the use case and we've been experimenting with it on a small scale. It would be great if you could make it and possibly give a brief overview of ipfs-cluster or just discuss our use case and whether we're on the right track?

Apologies for short notice on this! A few of us are in Berlin for the Research Data Alliance conference (wednesday - friday), so took the opportunity to meetup with some of the Berlin dweb community. Cheers

cc @flyingzumwalt @diasdavid @aboynejames @parfenov @soenkeba

hsanjuan commented 6 years ago

@eocarragain I'll be there. It will be really good to know your use cases first hand!

eocarragain commented 6 years ago

@hsanjuan brilliant - thanks!

pavel-lens commented 5 years ago

Hi all. I'm starting new meetups in Berlin, next in October 11th, 2018. Check #339