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RCs, Dev builds, and nightlies #77

Open jbenet opened 7 years ago

jbenet commented 7 years ago

There is interest from the community in having builds for:

dist.ipfs.io could show nightlies/dev builds, either:

  1. as a different "distribution" (go-ipfs-dev), this is easiest to do
  2. as an option under each distribution (we'd have to choose whether to do a grid too, and whatnot), or a "channel" (ie chose from {release, RCs, dev, nightly}). It will take some design work and dev work to come up with ideas on how this should look, and then implement it.
    • I think (1) is easiest for go-ipfs in the short term. we could have: go-ipfs-rc, go-ipfs-dev and go-ipfs-nightly as distributions.
    • I think (2) may be the best in the long run, particularly because other distributions will want this type of functionality. Will need to decide:
    • How should channels be represented?
    • as another dir in the hierarchy? (<dist>/<chan>/<ver>/)
    • or as a symlink (it's really a branch, right...)? (<dist>/<chan> -> <dist>/<ver>)
    • or as link values in the dist.json ({ ... "channels": { "<chan>": "<ver>", "release": "0.4.2", "RCs": "0.4.3-rc3", ...} })
    • How should channels show up on the index page? maybe "tabs"? on top of the grid?
    • For now, let's first decide: (1) or (2) in the short term?
    • And then kick off work on (2).
jbenet commented 7 years ago

Carry on discussion on (2) over here: https://github.com/ipfs/distributions/issues/78

parkan commented 7 years ago

Hmm seems like these are really mutable pointers/branches that point to "versions" which themselves may or may not be fixed to a commit?

jbenet commented 7 years ago