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Test suite for HTTP Gateways #205

Open lidel opened 1 year ago

lidel commented 1 year ago

Current state

Target audience


whizzzkid commented 1 year ago

@lidel I think we can decouple the functionality from public-gateway-checker and use that as the UI that makes use of this test-suite/validation functionality.

we can distribute the validation checks as an ESM which can then be used anywhere in-browser/on node and generate appropriate compliance reports. CLI functionality would be straightforward using npx.

lidel commented 1 year ago

The caveat is that there are HTTP tests which can't be done via JS running on a webpage (due to things like access to HTTP headers, redirects, CORS etc). We will never have a truly isomorphic test suite. Checker would be consuming this, but we should not design it around that use case. The target audience is different.

@darobin may have some ideas how to get the biggest bang for the buck here, and how to avoid maintenance headache (this thing will live for decades, requires a bit different planning).

darobin commented 1 year ago

I would also worry that the test suite could become rather large as more corner cases get covered, which might not align well with what is good for public-gateway-checker (I'm not sure it's supposed to be fully comprehensive).

What I have in mind is (roughly, with ideas taken from WPT):

Anyway, these are just a few thoughts, I'm not married to anything — this needs to work for implementers, not me! As I was saying in Slack, I'm happy to bang something together so folks can see if they like/hate it.

darobin commented 1 year ago

Ok, I made a prototype — let me know if you think this is headed in the right direction. The runner is over at https://github.com/darobin/ipseity/blob/main/bin/bastest.js, and I made a quick and dirty port of the Kubo block tests at https://github.com/darobin/ipseity/blob/main/test-suite/ipfs/gateways/blocks.js.

The runner expects a gateway, and can be told to be quiet, to save JSON, and to output Markdown (it can do these in parallel).

A failing gateway: ./bin/bastest.js --gateway https://berjon.com/:


A successful gateway (assuming ipfs daemon --writable) run that also saves JSON and MD: ./bin/bastest.js --gateway --save robin-test_0.0.1 --markdown scratch/test.md:


The JSON it saves looks like this: https://github.com/darobin/ipseity/blob/main/test-reports/robin-test_0.0.1.json. Nothing phenomenal (and we'd have to figure out some useful conventions to produce interop reporting from it) but we can figure out workflows/configurations.

The MD it outputs is like this, just pasting it raw here:

Interplanetary Test Suite

Test HTTP Gateway Raw Block (application/vnd.ipld.raw) Support

GET unixfs dir root block and compare it with expected raw block

Anyway — thoughts welcome!

darobin commented 1 year ago

Oh — I forgot an important point: one limitation of this approach is that the gateway must be at least minimally writeable. Otherwise there's no way to put the fixtures there. There could be some other ways of doing the same, but I don't think that they are any better. Unless there's a better idea that I haven't considered, I suspect that this is the best option.

whizzzkid commented 1 year ago

@darobin can we not host a fixture and hard-code CIDs? like the current gateway checker does? e.g. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeifx7yeb55armcsxwwitkymga5xf53dxiarykms3ygqic223w5sk3m#x-ipfs-companion-no-redirect

We don't need to make the gateway writable.

darobin commented 1 year ago

@whizzzkid Yes, but I am concerned about making the test suite dependent on external infrastructure, network availability, etc. Ideally, it would be self-contained. I also worry about making this rely on PL infra (though I'm sure that we could convince others to host the fixtures too). If this is important enough, we could consider having it both ways, with a fixtures manifest that would drive some pinning and some kind of NO_WRITE env flag that would skip the writing when defined.

lidel commented 1 year ago

I think this type of runner would do the trick, at least for gateways. Rewriting all the tests will be tedious, but doable in chunks.

@darobin for I/O-less tests we can leverage inlined CIDs (use indentity multicodec instead of hash digest).

$ echo 'hello inlined' | ipfs add --raw-leaves --inline 
added bafkqadtimvwgy3zanfxgy2lomvsau bafkqadtimvwgy3zanfxgy2lomvsau

CID bafkqadtimvwgy3zanfxgy2lomvsau includes data in the multihash digest, which means resolving it does not require gateway to do any IO/networking.

galargh commented 1 year ago

Existing tests

I created a high-level overview of tests we currently have living in Kubo - https://gist.github.com/galargh/74f2ecaf9da2f590756785694719566c

Findings (that are probably obvious for all involved here already but helped me reason about the space):

If we could separate Gateway configuration, including entity creation, from tests, could the tests become a collection of fixed request and response parameters?

Finally, having these tests provides a fantastic opportunity. We can leverage it to ensure the new test suite works as expected by running them in tandem.

Where should this live?

I was considering the idea that we could have the tests and the specs in the same repo

I like this idea. It would enable a process where spec changes would have to be backed by accompanying tests. I wonder if we could somehow leverage a tool like https://github.com/warpfork/go-testmark to tie the two more closely together.

We should also make it easy for specs contributors to contribute to the testing suite. What language are they most likely familiar with? Are there any testing frameworks they are already more familiar with that we could lean on?


The runner is over at https://github.com/darobin/ipseity/blob/main/bin/bastest.js

Would it make sense to reuse existing reporters?

darobin commented 1 year ago

A few quick notes:

galargh commented 1 year ago

Thanks Robin!

Yes, we could ensure that a number of fixtures are hosted and use those. We can also use the identity multicodec for at least some of the tests.

I've seen that comment. Yes, I think that's a great pattern we should try to follow where possible and it makes sense.

Spoofing Origin: not a big deal, we can set arbitrary headers. Or am I missing the issue?

No, not at all. I just wanted to make a note of it.

Fixed request/response: some bits aren't going to be regular or consistent (notably some headers) so I don't think that it can be purely fixed. However, I think it's not far from the truth so it should be almost that.

Yes, I saw that there's a bit more going on in your example test with the cache-control header checks for example.

There has been a lot of hesitation around having everything in a monorepo so I don't think that'll fly but happy to chat about it.

Alright, I think if these discussions already happened, then there's no reason for us to reopen it. Let's just start on the side and we'll see what the future brings.

Reusing reporters: Mocha only supports one reporter at a time and that thing reports to three outputs at the same time.

I found https://www.npmjs.com/package/mocha-multi which extends mocha with multi-reporters support. It works pretty well. Having said that, I haven't found their built-in reporters (especially, html and md) too pretty so we might still want to invest into creating custom ones, but we can make them stand-alone and general purpose.

I put together a prototype of what I was thinking of to help me structure my thinking a bit and to aid with our upcoming discussion on how we want to proceed. I ended up with https://github.com/galargh/gateway-conformance It implements the exact same test as https://github.com/darobin/ipseity/blob/main/test-suite/ipfs/gateways/blocks.js In fact, I heavily used it to create my prototype 🙇

The bits that I find interesting:

One note, is https://github.com/galargh/gateway-conformance/blob/main/util/provisioners.js#L30-L33, or https://github.com/darobin/ipseity/blob/main/test-suite/ipfs/gateways/blocks.js#L27-L34 for that matter, supposed to create a dir? I couldn't get it to work so I relied on Kubo provisioner.

darobin commented 1 year ago

Re mocha-multi I tried it, but it didn't like me at all so I gave up fighting it (the docs do say that it's a pile of hacks) and just put it all in there :) But if it works then 🚀!

I like your thing, it looks great and very usable! Really cool stuff.

I don't believe that there's a reliable way to create dir that way — I put it directly in the fixture.

laurentsenta commented 1 year ago

(note we're exploring options for this work in https://github.com/ipfs/gateway-conformance)