ipfs / in-web-browsers

Tracking the endeavor towards getting web browsers to natively support IPFS and content-addressing
MIT License
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Epic: demos that evoke a sense of the amazing possibilities #32

Open flyingzumwalt opened 7 years ago

flyingzumwalt commented 7 years ago

Show working examples that evoke ideas mentioned in, for example, https://github.com/ipfs/in-web-browsers/issues/14#issuecomment-278541194:

Things that create new possibilities in browsers

  • disconnected operation & offline (ie. local chat, share files without access to backbone, easy way to load simple applications and work with the person next to you)
  • when you're in an environment, being able to see local nodes around you (geographically local or metaphorically local, ie. shared affiliations) and see which applications you can run with them -- similar to how airdop works on macs, chat, collaborative doc editing
    • modifier: geographically local vs. shared affiliation


  • @edsilv iiif 3D viewer
  • @edsilv & @dignifiedquire iiif annotations
  • @whyrusleeping p2p large file sharer

CREATING THE COUNTERPOINT TO: "your machine is a portal to the cloud." INSTEAD EMPHASIZING: visibility of what's around you. Treating all data as social data and all interactions between nodes as social activity.

flyingzumwalt commented 7 years ago

@dignifiedquire unless other things need attention this week, I would like to use the 3D IIIF demo and the IIIF annotations code to demonstrate what's possible with the web extension installed. At the very least, this will require updating that code to take advantage of the protocol handler. If you have free time on monday before the all-hands, you might want to glance through those code bases to see what needs attention. I've spoken with @edsilv and @aeschylus about this, so they know you might be coming through with questions.