ipfs / ipfs-desktop

An unobtrusive and user-friendly desktop application for IPFS on Windows, Mac and Linux.
MIT License
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Issue : Display two indicators on the deepin desktop environnement #1257

Open PoorPocketsMcNewHold opened 4 years ago

PoorPocketsMcNewHold commented 4 years ago

Please describe the issue As you can see, For only one IPFS-desktop process, we got two displayed working icons in the notification area. image And, here's the difference between the two, one using the deepin UX theming, while the other doesn´t. deepin-screen-recorder_Select area_20191123165011


 pm  ~  neofetch
                    /-                      pm@Velvet4Renaissance 
                   ooo:                     --------------------- 
                  yoooo/                    OS: ArcoLinuxB-deepin v19.11.3 
                 yooooooo                   Kernel: 5.3.12-arch1-1 
                yooooooooo                  Uptime: 2 hours, 58 mins 
               yooooooooooo                 Packages: 1539 (pacman), 25 (bonsai) 
             .yooooooooooooo                Shell: bash 5.0.11 
            .oooooooooooooooo               Resolution: 3440x1440 
           .oooooooarcoooooooo              DE: Deepin 
          .ooooooooo-oooooooooo             WM: Mutter(DeepinGala) 
         .ooooooooo-  oooooooooo            Theme: Arc-Dark [GTK2], deepin [GTK3] 
        :ooooooooo.    :ooooooooo           Icons: deepin [GTK2/3] 
       :ooooooooo.      :ooooooooo          Terminal: deepin-terminal 
      :oooarcooo         .oooarcooo         Terminal Font: Droid Sans Mono 11 
     :ooooooooy           .ooooooooo        CPU: Intel i7-4790 (8) @ 4.000GHz 
    :ooooooooo   /ooooooooooooooooooo       GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 
   :ooooooooo      .-ooooooooooooooooo.     Memory: 7638MiB / 32064MiB 
  ooooooooo-             -ooooooooooooo.
 ooooooooo-                 .-oooooooooo.                           
ooooooooo.                     -ooooooooo                           

Notes I suppose, it´s just an issue with the Desktop Environnement in itself, however, it´s strange that i´ve didn´t noticed that when i was using the deepin desktop the last time... I´ve installed ipfs-desktop from the linked aur.

hacdias commented 4 years ago

Hello @PoorPocketsMcNewHold! Thanks for this issue. I'll mark it as a P3 because my bandwidth for this is low at the moment. However, if you feel you can solve the problem, all PRs are very much welcome 😃