ipfs / ipfs-gui

Creating standards and patterns for IPFS that are simple, accessible, reusable, and beautiful
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IPFS Gui & Tools ownership #100

Closed SgtPooki closed 1 year ago

SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

I want to discuss defining and reducing the surface area of ownership of the GUI & Tools team.

Currently, there are a few areas where we define what the IPFS GUI / IPFS Gui & Tools / IPFS GUI Tools / @ipfs-gui team owns:

  1. https://github.com/protocol/w3dt-stewards/blob/main/scripts/create-triage-links/src/repos.js
  2. https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-gui#all-projects
  3. https://www.notion.so/pl-strflt/IPFS-GUI-3bc1c1bf54d74f928bf11ef59c876b74#3271edf4345e4a95b163066d5a9f5da6 (points to item 2 above)


  1. Can we drop support for any of the listed packages? Can any gui&tools packages/repos be archived/deprecated?
  2. We know that ipfs-desktop, ipfs-webui, and ipfs-companion are our priorities, but what are our priorities beyond those three?
    • What support priority do the main three have?
    • What are the priorities of the other packages?
    • What support do we need from @achingbrain , i.e. what packages from https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/tree/master/packages do we need tier 1 support on?
    • What are our other dependencies? What support do we need from other orgs/teams? (ipld, multiformats, etc..)
  3. Should we keep a list of unmaintained, yet useful packages? If so, where?
  4. Decide whether this repo (ipfs/ipfs-gui) should be the home of all IPFS GUI related efforts across teams, or the centralized repo for the IPFS GUI & Tools team


  1. Support changes
    1. Drop support for the following packages:
    2. Debateable
  2. I propose the following order of support priorities:
    • ipfs-webui (consumed by kubo & desktop)
    • ipfs-desktop (unique user sessions over lifetime: 33k Linux, 131k Windows, 39k macOS)
    • ipfs-companion (chrome store says 60k+ users)
    • ipfs/ipld-explorer-components - consumed by explore.ipld.io & webui
    • public-gateway-checker - somewhat useful and popular repo for checking status of ipfs gateways. Lots of opportunity here without a large burden
    • ipfs-shipyard/pinning-service-compliance - useful for ensuring pinning providers are compliant, and helpful as a pre-req for adding pinning-service providers to webui pinning provider defaults
    • ipld/explore.ipld.io
    • ipfs-shipyard/i18n - documentation only, small burden, but required by desktop and webui or other gui&tools projects that need i18n.
    • ipfs-shipyard/js-pinning-service-http-client - used only by ipfs-shipyard/pinning-service-compliance currently
    • multiformats/cid-utils-website
    • ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-css
    • awesome-ipfs - lists a lot of ipfs related projects/tools/datasets,
  3. I propose we keep a list of packages in this repo's README that include unmaintained & useful repos so they're not lost and can be taken up if the need arises.
  4. I think it makes sense to keep this repo as the home for GUI projects, but we may want a similar ipfs/ipfs-tools repo for things that aren't necessarily GUI.

cc @BigLep @lidel @tinytb

SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

@autonome @lidel https://github.com/ipfs/in-web-browsers/issues/195 is an example of something that makes more sense for the browsers WG to own rather than IPFS GUI & Tools. Do either of you have an opinion on IPFS GUI & Tools team's ownership of the in-web-browsers repo.

cc @tinytb @BigLep

lidel commented 1 year ago
SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

Action items i'm going to take based on lidel's review so I can close this out.

SgtPooki commented 1 year ago

Closing this for now. We can come back to this later if necessary, but there hasn't been much activity so I'm just proceeding with what we've got for now.