ipfs / ipfs-gui

Creating standards and patterns for IPFS that are simple, accessible, reusable, and beautiful
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Summary-style status screen (1/2) #33

Open olizilla opened 6 years ago

olizilla commented 6 years ago

ETA (April 2020):

This may be superseded by https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-webui/issues/1003 (dashboard-style revision of entire UI).

Original issue:

All three apps show IPFS node stats as part of the initial UI that is show the user first, at startup.

Let's identity which bits of information a useful to which users and under what circumstances. What background knowledge is needed to interpret the data. What unit should it be presented in? How frequently does the info change? Is it most useful as a current value, or is it best presented as the change over time of the value?

The current state of things is described here: https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/pm-ipfs-gui/blob/master/research/README.md#ipfs-node-info

olizilla commented 6 years ago

I want stats on what my popular CIDs are. I'd be curious to know about how many people are fetching files from me right now.

I'd like to see how much bandwidth IPFS is using as a sparkline or graph, but until we can provide controls to let the user throttle and ration bandwidth it probably better to not show bandwidth stats at all.

The number of objects I'm sharing should be moved to the IPLD explorer where it can be put into context and the user can see what they are.

Max repo size should be controllable (See: #39). The repo size stat should be pushed to the file browser, or perhaps the IPLD explorer, where it can be put into context.

Right now I have an "empty" repo in IPFS desktop that says it's 2MB and 237 objects, but I have 0 files, which is disconcerting. We need to clam that down and reduce the amount of ambient activity on a desktop install of ipfs.

Location is problematic. It feels like tracking and It's confusing, as it's not accurate. Perhaps it's accuracy should be limited to the country level if we think it's worth keeping.

Peer ID is interesting. My address on the distributed web. This would benefit from some explaining as it's a concept we want to teach the users about. I'm not clear on why we show raw Public Key there as well.

olizilla commented 6 years ago

We should consider which stats are interesting enough to warrant being on the first page a user sees when they start the app, and which are essentially diagnostic info that could be pushed out to a separate page.

akrych commented 6 years ago

Just to organize a little more (probably more for me not for you;):

We have now(in all apps):

1. Peer ID

  1. Public Key
  2. Location (not working well)
  3. Agent Version (to about/footer)
  4. Protocol Version (to about/footer)
  5. Network Addresses 7. Number of Peers
  6. Repo Size
  7. Storage Space Used
  8. Sharing Objects
  9. Bandwith Used
  10. Up/Down Speed
  11. Gateway (Companion)

(bold one - important one)

And the question is - "What should be in main screen of app?" (we are talking about the current state) The number refers to the list above.

-> WebGUI (1, 2?,6, 7, ... ) -> Desktop (1,2?, 7, ... ) -> Companion (1, 7, 13, ...)

alanshaw commented 6 years ago

It's mentioned here but the node version is interesting in the context of debugging but also when you're not on the latest version.

I'd like to see an about page with:

You're running 0.4.13, a new version 0.4.14 is available: Download and Upgrade

alanshaw commented 6 years ago

Other possibly interesting front page items:

* peer buddy is a friend that's you've somehow added by peer ID - lets make this peer ID useful!

I think the other items that are in @akrych's list can be relegated to a diagnostics page, or maybe the about page?

lidel commented 6 years ago

Ok, so it seems we agree the minimal set for front page is more or less (1,4,7) presented in text form:

We can keep it plain and simple for MVP, and move the rest to other tabs.

I started thinking about adding brand new "Stats Page" with data visualization in https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/pm-ipfs-gui/issues/38#issuecomment-376925442. Should I move that comment here, or is it better to create a separate feature request issue for it?

akrych commented 6 years ago

A wireframe for Start page (maybe not a good name - to disscus:) you can find here: https://invis.io/AVGRKKJ75KT#/290074641_Start_Webui_Wireframe

As you see I add also notifications - I think it will be good to have a place to announce new features or update:) Let me know what you think about it! :) (pls comment in invision)

Please remember that is not a design :)

akrych commented 6 years ago

Small update after corrections :) here:


(pls comment in invision)

ericronne commented 5 years ago

@olizilla ✔️?

jessicaschilling commented 3 years ago

Note https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-webui/issues/1672: comments on scaling issues of bandwidth graph over time. Need to include considerations for zoom scales over time in next generation of status screen.