ipfs / js-ipfs

IPFS implementation in JavaScript
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Runtime Support: Ionic Framework #802

Closed theD1360 closed 1 year ago

theD1360 commented 7 years ago

Can anyone help me out with this? Below is a simplified version of what I have running on an ionic2 project. I seems that the connection is working but it never seems to trigger the callback but it also never triggers any errors or warnings. Tried using the promises as well but still nothing.

        let node = new IPFS(
                    repo: this.repoPath,
                    EXPERIMENTAL: {
                        pubsub: false
                  config: { 
                    Addresses: {
                      Swarm: [

            node.on('start', ()=>{
               node.files.add(file, (err, res) => {
                    console.log('never fires!!!');                
daviddias commented 7 years ago

@theD1360 what is the file var you are passing?

daviddias commented 7 years ago

@theD1360, @VictorBjelkholm just brought up that you might be using a older version of js-ipfs, which version are you using?

theD1360 commented 7 years ago

@diasdavid Should be using master. I added this in my package.json "ipfs": "git@github.com:ipfs/js-ipfs.git#master",

the ipfs-api package.json shows "version": "12.1.7"

theD1360 commented 7 years ago

Here is what is the calling snippet looks like.

              PhotoLibrary.getPhoto(libraryItem).then( (blob) => {
                console.log("Blob Size:", blob.size); // shows the blob has a size
                let reader = new FileReader();

                reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() {

                  // transform array buffer to ArrayBuffer since ArrayBuffer failed to work
                  let buf = new Buffer(reader.result.byteLength);
                  let view = new Uint8Array(reader.result);
                  for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) {
                    buf[i] = view[i];

                  // this is my own wrapper which is passing to the code you saw above.
                    path: "/testing/"+libraryItem.id, // '/testing/99D53A1F-FEEF-40E1-8BB3-7DD55A43C8B7/L0/001'
                  }).then((data) => {
                    // I'm triggering a resolve to trigger this code. pls ignore
                    console.log("filedata", data);

                  }).catch((e) =>{
                    // same here




theD1360 commented 7 years ago

@diasdavid Could this be caused by not having any peers connected? I've checked the peer connections and it comes an empty array.

victorb commented 7 years ago

@theD1360 could you try listening to the error event as when when you initialize your node? Could be something that is not working when initializing but you're not catching any errors so might just be silent.

daviddias commented 7 years ago

@theD1360 can you push a full script that reproduces the case? Since you are using your own wrappers, I can't be sure of what is going on inside.

theD1360 commented 7 years ago


https://github.com/theD1360/CygnusLoop/blob/master/src/app/app.component.ts#L136 https://github.com/theD1360/CygnusLoop/blob/master/src/providers/ipfs.ts

@VictorBjelkholm logged out the errors and not getting anything.

daviddias commented 7 years ago

@theD1360 looks like Ionic doesn't offer a native TCP shim module or a WebSockets one (read it here: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/tcp-sockets-in-ionic-2/67806/3). Seems like we need to create a custom transport, that supports Ionic2 networking.

See how we did TCP for Node.js -- https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p-tcp/ -- and how we bundle it in here: https://github.com/ipfs/js-libp2p-ipfs-nodejs/blob/master/src/index.js#L48

theD1360 commented 7 years ago

Upon further inspection it looks like WebSockets are available in the window object not sure what else I need to get this working. I also decided to build the app for android and am getting a new error regarding secure origins on init. Is it possible that it's related to this issue? If not is there any way that I can circumvent the secure origins restriction (webrtc or something)?

I'll take some time to look into how to shim the cordova TCP module . Not 100% clear on how to do that at the moment.

daviddias commented 7 years ago

Ok, let's go with WebSockets first then :) We just need to make sure it exposes the same interface that one would get from using WebSockets in a browser context, if it does, then it should work like a charm.

getting a new error regarding secure origins on init

Could you tell us more?

Btw, if you can set up some custom simple apps on Ionic2 for us to have a quick sandbox to try things, that would be extremely helpful.

theD1360 commented 7 years ago

For sure. I'll see what I can figure out as far as the websockets go. In the meantime, feel free to clone my CygnusLoop app repo. Standard ionic 2 install and build nothing fancy.

Login page is fake just enter any values. Check out the Ionic 2 docs for debugging for debugging info.

theD1360 commented 7 years ago

Current master appears to be initializing without errors on both iOS and Android. As far as the secure origins goes it appears that it was related to ionic live reload. Still having issues with uploading to the the network but it seems to be a different issue. I'll keep this issue open until I verify that the new error is unrelated.

Thanks guys.

daviddias commented 6 years ago

@theD1360 if you could come up with a simple example of how to run js-ipfs in Ionic, similar to what we have for Node.js, Browser and Electron in the examples folder, then I would be more able to help you. Wanna do it?

Thanks in advance!

Juanperezc commented 5 years ago

Hello, someone else has worked to implement ipfs on ionic?, I'm trying but I'm having an error

silkroadnomad commented 4 years ago

I guess its related to "Content-Security-Policy" of Cordova and "same origin" stuffs. But I'll come back to you guys when I tried it myself.

achingbrain commented 1 year ago

js-ipfs is being deprecated in favor of Helia. You can https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/4336 and read the migration guide.

I've not kept up to date with Ionic and similar frameworks - if any participants in this thread are still using it, may I suggest creating a small project that uses Helia and we can go from there?