ipfs / kubo

An IPFS implementation in Go
15.9k stars 2.98k forks source link

KAD DHT protocol not properly registered with multistream #9713

Closed pcfreak30 closed 1 year ago

pcfreak30 commented 1 year ago


Installation method

built from source


Kubo version: 0.19.0-dev-4283b9d98-dirty
Repo version: 13
System version: amd64/linux
Golang version: go1.19


  "API": {
    "HTTPHeaders": {}
  "Addresses": {
    "API": "/ip4/",
    "Announce": [],
    "AppendAnnounce": [],
    "Gateway": "/ip4/",
    "NoAnnounce": [],
    "Swarm": [
    "Swarm[0]": "/ip4/"
  "AutoNAT": {
    "ServiceMode": "disabled"
  "Bootstrap": [
  "DNS": {
    "Resolvers": {}
  "Datastore": {
    "BloomFilterSize": 0,
    "GCPeriod": "1h",
    "HashOnRead": false,
    "Spec": {
      "mounts": [
          "child": {
            "path": "blocks",
            "shardFunc": "/repo/flatfs/shard/v1/next-to-last/2",
            "sync": true,
            "type": "flatfs"
          "mountpoint": "/blocks",
          "prefix": "flatfs.datastore",
          "type": "measure"
          "child": {
            "compression": "none",
            "path": "datastore",
            "type": "levelds"
          "mountpoint": "/",
          "prefix": "leveldb.datastore",
          "type": "measure"
      "type": "mount"
    "StorageGCWatermark": 90,
    "StorageMax": "10GB"
  "Discovery": {
    "MDNS": {
      "Enabled": true
  "Experimental": {
    "AcceleratedDHTClient": false,
    "FilestoreEnabled": false,
    "GraphsyncEnabled": false,
    "Libp2pStreamMounting": false,
    "P2pHttpProxy": false,
    "StrategicProviding": false,
    "UrlstoreEnabled": false
  "Gateway": {
    "APICommands": [],
    "HTTPHeaders": {
      "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": [
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": [
      "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": [
    "NoDNSLink": false,
    "NoFetch": false,
    "PathPrefixes": [],
    "PublicGateways": null,
    "RootRedirect": ""
  "Identity": {
    "PeerID": "12D3KooWEjFroneBoAuipRLgjUyynhZcDrmSRwdXMFuYTSEo83k3"
  "Internal": {},
  "Ipns": {
    "RecordLifetime": "",
    "RepublishPeriod": "",
    "ResolveCacheSize": 128
  "Migration": {
    "DownloadSources": [],
    "Keep": ""
  "Mounts": {
    "FuseAllowOther": false,
    "IPFS": "/ipfs",
    "IPNS": "/ipns"
  "Peering": {
    "Peers": null
  "Pinning": {
    "RemoteServices": {}
  "Plugins": {
    "Plugins": null
  "Provider": {
    "Strategy": ""
  "Pubsub": {
    "DisableSigning": false,
    "Router": ""
  "Reprovider": {
    "Interval": "0s"
  "Routing": {
    "Methods": null,
    "Routers": null,
    "Type": "dhtclient"
  "Swarm": {
    "AddrFilters": [],
    "ConnMgr": {
      "GracePeriod": "1m0s",
      "HighWater": 40,
      "LowWater": 20,
      "Type": "basic"
    "DisableBandwidthMetrics": false,
    "DisableNatPortMap": false,
    "RelayClient": {},
    "RelayService": {},
    "ResourceMgr": {},
    "Transports": {
      "Multiplexers": {
        "Yamux": 100
      "Network": {},
      "Security": {}


During development, while trying to get JS-IPFS and Helia to interact with Kubo, I setup using the KAD DHT.

With the @libp2p/kad-dht DHT content routing logic findProviders to the Network class and ultimately the RPC code for GET_PROVIDERS is sent out, it tries to do a multistream negotiation for /ipfs/kad/1.0.0 and /ipfs/lan/kad/1.0.0.

As this is not registered with kubo, it fails and gets a na. It seems this is registered on another subsystem service that's get triggered in some cases, which sets the dht.host.SetStreamHandler but that's very different logic to the multistream?

Due to this, I am having to move forward with the JS implementations since this is a blocking problem in the code for me.


Jorropo commented 1 year ago


    "Type": "dhtclient"

You disabled the DHT server, thus Kubo does advertise any dht related multistream addresses because the server is not running and nothing would respond if you connected to thoses streams. :slightly_smiling_face:

Please reopen if this still does not work after switching to something like dhtserver (note that the auto and dht modes can still have this behaviour from time to time, then the dht server is turned on only when your node is reachable from internet).