ipfs / kuboreleaser

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Kubo v0.20.0-rc2 findings #3

Closed galargh closed 1 year ago

galargh commented 1 year ago


laurentsenta commented 1 year ago

Something to discuss: @hacdias has seen confusing conflicts with the merge back from release to master: https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9848 We had changes from https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9794 in the PR

hacdias commented 1 year ago

From 0.19.2

galargh commented 1 year ago
  • kuboreleaser ... prepare-branch did not add the changelog as I expected so I had to do it manually. I first run./bin/mkreleaselog, which failed. Had to manually clone kubo into $GOPATH/src/github.com/ipfs/kubo and then it worked.

This one's odd, creating release log is only hidden behind prerelease check so it should have run - https://github.com/ipfs/kuboreleaser/blob/1c5ccd063d9c9c5a9035a8ca0c48606517bbe952/actions/prepare_branch.go#LL225C11-L225C11. Let's see how it goes with the 0.20.0.

The release created by publish-to-github had the changelog for 0.19, so I had to update it manually to have the changelog of 0.19.2.

The heuristic we use to extract correct text from the changelog MD is to find - [Overview] and copy stuff until the next - [Overview]. Looks like we don't have TOCs for 0.19.1 nor 0.19.2 - that's why it didn't work. I'm sure we can come up with a better heuristic here.

Most commands that waited for actions failed with {ACTION LINK} does not have the pattern v0.19.2. I manually checked all runs and they used 0.19.2 so I don't understand the issue. https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-companion/actions/runs/4870585996 https://github.com/ipfs/npm-go-ipfs/actions/runs/4870530193 https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-docs/actions/runs/4870670281

Apparently GitHub changed EOL encoding in their logs which broke our matchers. It should be fixed by https://github.com/ipfs/kuboreleaser/commit/2d96e08b9489d5bc93d91380ce576bb89d89664a.

hacdias commented 1 year ago
$ ./kuboreleaser release --version v0.20.0 prepare-branch
INFO[2023-05-09 09:48:41] Checking the status of the action...
INFO[2023-05-09 09:48:41] I'm going to check if PRs that update versions in the release branch and the master branch exist and if they're merged already.
INFO[2023-05-09 09:48:42] The action is not complete yet, continuing...
WARN[2023-05-09 09:48:42] https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9837 is closed (the action is not complete)
INFO[2023-05-09 09:48:42] Running the action...
INFO[2023-05-09 09:48:42] I'm going to create a PRs that update the version in the release branch and the master branch.
INFO[2023-05-09 09:48:42] I'm also going to update the changelog if we're performing the final release. Please note that it might take a while because I have to clone a looooot of repos.
FATA[2023-05-09 09:48:48] POST https://api.github.com/repos/ipfs/kubo/pulls: 422 Validation Failed [{Resource:PullRequest Field: Code:custom Message:No commits between release and release-v0.20.0}]
BigLep commented 1 year ago

Another improvement I can see from the 0.20 release cycle: https://github.com/ipfs/kuboreleaser/issues/6

galargh commented 1 year ago

Another issue found when releasing RC-N > 1. This one's for the prepare-branch check.

INFO[2023-06-15 11:15:40] Skipping the check before running the action
INFO[2023-06-15 11:15:40] Running the action...
INFO[2023-06-15 11:15:40] I'm going to create a PRs that update the version in the release branch and the master branch.
INFO[2023-06-15 11:15:40] I'm also going to update the changelog if we're performing the final release. Please note that it might take a while because I have to clone a looooot of repos.
Your release PR is ready at https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9960\nIf needed, check out the release-v0.21.0 branch of ipfs/kubo repository and cherry-pick commits from master using the following command:

git cherry-pick -x <commit>

Please approve after all the required commits are cherry-picked.

Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value: yes
FATA[2023-06-15 11:42:45] POST https://api.github.com/repos/ipfs/kubo/pulls: 422 Validation Failed [{Resource:PullRequest Field: Code:custom Message:No commits between master and version-update-v0.21}]
galargh commented 1 year ago

Most critical of the issues reported here have been addressed via:

For the ones that were not addressed yet, I created separate issues:

Finally, I couldn't find examples of these reoccurring in newer releases (we should open new issues for them if it turns out they're still causing problems):