ipfs / local-offline-collab

Local Offline Collaboration Special Interest Group
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Announcing Offline Camp Oregon: Sept 27-30, 2019 🎉 #14

Closed terichadbourne closed 4 years ago

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

It's finally official! The next Offline Camp will take place ~August 2-5~ September 27-30 in Grant Pass, Oregon. Offline Camp is a 30-person weekend tech retreat aimed at bringing together the Offline First community to discuss the challenges of designing and building for offline scenarios and low-bandwidth networks.

Note that the event is not specifically about the decentralized web, but dweb enthusiasts with a particular interest in Offline First are welcome. You can get a good sense of the topics we discuss in our unconference sessions in our Medium publication.

Learn more about the unique Offline Camp experience:

The Offline Camp Experience

If you're interested in attending, please check out our announcement post and read up on the application process.

Hope to see some of you there!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

Just a quick update on Offline Camp Oregon, which starts in just 2.5 weeks. We're really excited to have a few folks from this Local Offline Collaboration SIG attending, as well as folks working with a variety of dweb projects from IPFS to Dat to Scuttlebutt to Project Lantern and beyond, plus lots of non-dweb devs doing awesome stuff to tackle the challenges of shoddy networks. Take a look at who's coming!

We have just a few tickets left, so there's still time to get in a last-minute application in if you're interested in joining us for a long weekend of collaborative discussion on all things Offline First in southern Oregon, ~August 2-5~ September 27-30: http://offlinefirst.org/camp.

Please feel free to shoot any questions my way!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

For the health and safety of campers during the nearby Milepost 97 wildfire, which is currently affecting air quality in Grants Pass, we've made the difficult decision to postpone Offline Camp until September 27-30.

Current campers, please review our full announcement and click the link to confirm you've seen the update. Please email camp at offlinefirst.org with any questions or concerns.

If you were interested in Offline Camp but the August dates didn't work for you, we hope you'll consider joining us this September. See http://offlinefirst.org/camp for all the details.

terichadbourne commented 4 years ago

Offline Camp Oregon was a great success!

Be sure to follow the Offline Camp Medium publication and Twitter account for upcoming articles summarizing the discussions held at camp, as well as passion talks given by campers. (The Offline Camp team is looking for volunteers to help shepherd authors through the publication process; please reach out to learn more.)

In the meantime, you can watch the video or check out the meeting notes from today's IPFS Local Offline Collaboration SIG call, where some campers shared their insights from Offline Camp discussions on the crossover between DWeb and Offline First.


Want to know when and where the next Offline Camp will take place? Fill out this quick form to suggest future locations and ensure you're notified when the next event is scheduled.