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[RFC] General feedback on the IPFS Weekly Newsletter #74

Open jennwrites opened 5 years ago

jennwrites commented 5 years ago

I’ve been putting out the IPFS Weekly Newsletter consistently for about four months and I’m looking for feedback or suggestions on what you’d like to see improved or included.

Some ideas suggested to me so far include:

What else do you think the IPFS Weekly Newsletter could include? I want to know! 🕵️‍♀️

mikeal commented 5 years ago

Listing contributors week to week

This list is large enough every week that it's effectively noise unless we come up with some filtration step. The good news is, I have a new tool that can much more easily generate this list given whatever filtration we want to apply.

What types of contributions to we want to highlight?

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

I love the idea of highlighting a specific contributor weekly, and perhaps defining contributions broadly when picking folks to interview. For example, could a ProtoSchool chapter organizer be interviewed because they're building the community, even if they haven't contributed to the IPFS codebase or documentation?

momack2 commented 5 years ago

An ask from the IPFS Project Working Group is to make our "end of quarter" newsletters more of a look back and recap to celebrate the awesome demos and accomplishments of the past quarter - including listing the key improvements from various js/go/cluster/companion releases, highlighting any awesome demos or videos, and a wholistic look at how the project evolved in the past 3 months. Do you think that'd be a good fit for that edition of the newsletter?

momack2 commented 5 years ago

Another thing I'd love to see added: A mention in the weekly newsletter any stack overflow questions that were resolved and cheers to who resolved them (aka accepted/verified answer). Maybe also a call for new unanswered questions that could use input?

DistributedDoge commented 5 years ago

I might have been spending too much time on kaggle lately, but it might be nice to have an "Interesting datasets" or something like this highlighting interesting data + linking to hashes of interesting data that are currently being hosted on IPFS by the community. Something to encourage readers to actually go and check out IPFS by themselves.

momack2 commented 5 years ago

Hey @renrutnnej - I loved the EOQ1 recap newsletter! Are you planning to do the same for the final newsletter this quarter? There will be a ton of great content launching at IPFS Camp it'd be nice to highlight and include in this recap as well.

jennwrites commented 5 years ago

@momack2 I am planning on doing a Q2 recap! I will open a new issue asking for suggestions for that, thanks!

terichadbourne commented 5 years ago

@renrutnnej As long as this will be published after camp, it would be great to include ProtoSchool's new Mutable File System (MFS) Tutorial. We've made a ton of UX improvements as well, as I shared in the last all hands - the most noticeable to the user is probably that you can now choose to reveal answers while working on code challenges.

agentofuser commented 5 years ago

I would like to see interviews with people building businesses on the ecosystem, like Pinata and Temporal folks.

Another thing that is a bit more out there is coming up with a set of core verifiable predictions (a Tetlock fan here) about the future internet architecture as it relates to ipfs. They could be posted on a website like Metaculus, then both the community and the interviewees could share their estimates. Example: "which percentage of the top 1000 domains will be dnslinked by 2025?"

serejandmyself commented 4 years ago

I think that as of now the blog itself is great.

It would be interesting to see more in the "releases" section, to understand how the ecosystem is growing. And, agree with the previous comment about interviews too. That would be rather interesting to listen to either people from IPFS or those working on IPFS related things

TheDiscordian commented 3 years ago

I just discovered this today, and I love the idea! I noticed there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity for 2021, is this still rolling?

jennwrites commented 3 years ago

Hi @TheDiscordian, the newsletter is still active, and you can receive by signing up here: http://eepurl.com/gL2Pi5 or viewing issues on the IPFS blog.

TheDiscordian commented 3 years ago

Hi @TheDiscordian, the newsletter is still active, and you can receive by signing up here: http://eepurl.com/gL2Pi5 or viewing issues on the IPFS blog.

Awesome thanks! How could I contribute to it? Submit a PR here?

jennwrites commented 3 years ago

@TheDiscordian We’re transitioning the newsletter to be supported by a new team, but in the meantime, you can submit ideas here or email tips directly to newsletter@ipfs.io.