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Binary encoding of (directed) Bipartite Graphs #168

Open wires opened 7 years ago

wires commented 7 years ago

This note describes an encoding of (finite) bipartite graphs.



Bi-partite graphs are ubiquitous in mathematics and computer science.

Matching on a graph is a very natural application (customer ↔ taxi), recommendations, clustering. Lots of cool things.

And, of course, my personal motivation, http://statebox.github.io but more on that later ;^)

/cc @repatica @epost @whyrusleeping @jbenet @diasdavid


A bi-partite graph is a graph where the nodes can be partitioned in two disjoint sets, say A and B.

The edges only run between the two sets, so A=>B and B=>A only, no B=>B or A=>A. Hence, (directed) bi-partited graphs are often depicted as such:

screen shot 2016-09-24 at 12 30 31

For clarity and nothing else, I used nrs for one partition and letters for the other.

Proposed encoding

We now describe the graph by listing the adjacent edges of each node of one partition. So lets focus on the diamons and list them out.

screen shot 2016-09-24 at 12 30 43

Now in the directed case, each node a pair of sets of edges, namely the in- and outgoing edges. When we list this out we get (JSON example):

{ a: [ [1]  , [2] ]
, b: [ [1,2], []  ]
, c: [ []   , [2] ]

Now I do not want to name the nodes a, b, c, just be able to refer to them... So instead we pick some order and infer their identifiers from the position in the array:

[ [ [1]  , [2] ]
, [ [1,2], []  ]
, [ []   , [2] ]


Whats now left is:

List of lists (pairs) of lists of numbers

Note that there is an upperbound to these numbers, namely the size of the other set. So, you can minize the upper bound by picking the partition with the most nodes.

Not only that but we can further simplify.

Our example now becomes (indented for clarity):

 0 0 2 1
   0 3 1 1
 0 0 2 3 1
   0 1 1
 0 0 1
   0 3 1 1

Thus we are left with

List of numbers smaller than some upper bound.

This naturally leads to encoding as a list of varints, see protcol buffers for more information. Compression algorithms should work really well on this.

We now have a compact binary encoding of bipartite graphs and a natural decoding into JSON.

Further notes:

{ labels: { vertices: { A: { 0: { someProp: 'someValue' },
                             1: { someProp: 'someOtherValue' } }
                      , B: { 0: { someOtherProp: 3.1415927 } } }
          , edges: { AB: {} , BA: {} }


whyrusleeping commented 7 years ago

I'll read through and respond properly to this later, but for now: cc @nicola @BrendanBenshoof

nicola commented 7 years ago

Hey @wires thanks for joining in the conversation! I will give a deeper read soon. It sounds very similar to a conversation we had during one of the weekly IPLD meetings (I suggest you to join in (see https://github.com/ipfs/pm/issues/201))

Here are more info about application-level cycles (but your formalization sounds like a great path forward), will give a proper feedback soon.

wires commented 7 years ago

Hi, thanks! I'll be looking more into this over the coming days and see if it can be aligned better with merkle-dag / IPLD specs. To see how I'm using this in statebox to express processes, have a look at https://github.com/statebox/tbpt-viewer ; but this is a bit thin on docs at the moment.

wires commented 7 years ago

Oh, and indeed, bipartite graphs to express cycles seem a good fit... I'll digest more!