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IPFS onboarding feedback #289

Open fsdiogo opened 6 years ago

fsdiogo commented 6 years ago

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to IPFS and @diasdavid said it would be helpful to give some feedback about the onboarding process, so here it goes:

Take this with a grain of salt :)

victorb commented 6 years ago

Entering the IPFS project without having a deep knowledge about P2P, Blockchain, Networking and Cryptography is pretty daunting

As someone with exactly the same lack of deep knowledge, I started https://github.com/victorbjelkholm/dweb-wiki for trying to write down what I learned, but I quickly fell out of the habit of updating it. Making dweb-wiki into a ipfs-shipyard project and actually start filling it out would be great, and even greater if the wiki software itself was decentralized, but probably overkill for now.

Thanks for the overall feedback though, as David said, it's very helpful :+1:

daviddias commented 6 years ago

Thanks you so much for also posting this feedback here, @fsdiogo :) I'm leaving a few comments/follow up questions.

I've watched a bunch of talks by Juan about IPFS and they were a great intro to IPFS...

Do you know how many you watched and specifically which? Which parts were more useful? Do you happen to have notes from what you learn from which? We could potentially create a new talk just to focus on the details.

...I also understand that due to the complexity of the project, it may not be possible to do that!...

No, I think you are right. In the beginning, IPFS was a big mountain, but now we are finally sharding that into smaller ones with the IPLD, libp2p and multiformats project.

Did the blog posts helped?

We could start to adopt async/await and promises, as the JavaScript ecosystem is evolving in that direction ...

Soon™ :) I’ll open that to consideration once Node.js 6 goes to Maintenance. We kind of follow the Node.js release cycle given as it has a very good success when it comes to upgrade its users and gives us a good baseline.

Actually, that is happening soon. Would you like to take lead and open a issue similar to the ones with exploration label — https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aexploration to propose just that?

I’m also looking forward to https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html :)

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

Thanks so much for taking the time to write this up, @fsdiogo! I know you already mentioned ipfs/docs#58, but if you have any specific feedback on it, please comment there :)

Likewise, if you think some concepts are missing from the list in ipfs/docs#56 or if you have some you think should be high priority, please comment there, too.

@VictorBjelkholm thanks for posting that dweb-wiki link! I’ll mine that for good bits.

fsdiogo commented 6 years ago

@VictorBjelkholm I agree, it would be pretty neat to have a wiki where we could start gathering some knowledge 👍

@diasdavid No problem!

Do you know how many you watched and specifically which?

I watched these and some bits & pieces of others I can't remember.

Which parts were more useful?

The motivation behind IPFS and the problems it can solve were pretty useful, as were the parallelism of some concepts and technologies that uses them (like how Git uses Merkle Trees and how IPFS wants to adapt that). I think that is a great way to explain some concepts with pretty well-known examples.

Do you happen to have notes from what you learn from which? We could potentially create a new talk just to focus on the details.

I didn't take notes, I only took some screenshots of slides that showed the IPFS layers and then some... I have some notes that I gathered from the IPFS repos, Wikipedia, etc, but not much. Yeah, , I think that would be helpful!

No, I think you are right. In the beginning, IPFS was a big mountain, but now we are finally sharding that into smaller ones with the IPLD, libp2p and multiformats project.

Did the blog posts helped?

I felt like they weren't very foundable, some of them should be linked in the specs or something like that. I stumbled upon one post about pubsub that was helpful, but I don't remember where I saw the link, probably by searching for the topic on google.

Soon™ :) I’ll open that to consideration once Node.js 6 goes to Maintenance. We kind of follow the Node.js release cycle given as it has a very good success when it comes to upgrade its users and gives us a good baseline.

Alright, but the sooner the better 😄

Actually, that is happening soon. Would you like to take lead and open a issue similar to the ones with exploration label — https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aexploration to propose just that?

Sure 👍

I’m also looking forward to https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html :)

Oh yeah! The future is bright 😄

@Mr0grog Will do! And good job on those issues, I think you're right on the money 👍

0x-r4bbit commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm starting to get my feet wet with IPFS as well and try to take it one protocol at a time. I started getting a better understanding of IPLD and took a closer look at the Multihash protocol as part of it.

There's a a lot of different resources and reasoning spread in different places, so I've written an article that should provide all the information in one place and hopefully makes it easy to understand what's going on down there.

Maybe it make sense to introduce a page with resources or something (if not feel free to ignore it): https://pascalprecht.github.io/posts/future-proofed-hashes-with-multihash/

fsdiogo commented 6 years ago

Awesome post @PascalPrecht 👌

This is the kind of thing that we need, for everything 😄

We should gather resources like this somewhere. Maybe in the awesome-ipfs?

0x-r4bbit commented 6 years ago

@fsdiogo thanks!

I'm happy to send a PR to awesome-ipfs, I do think though, apart from that (and from this article), there should be a dedicated resources section/document in the official documentation.

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

Ooh, nice writeup, @PascalPrecht!

I'm happy to send a PR to awesome-ipfs, I do think though, apart from that (and from this article), there should be a dedicated resources section/document in the official documentation.

For now, I’ve tried to make sure awesome-ipfs is linked from the new docs site — I worry about duplicating the effort of linking to external resources between the new docs site and awesome-ipfs leading to the same disconnect, out-of-sync-ness, and confusion we currently have :\

One way to address this might be to have the docs site generate a page (or several) based on what’s in awesome-ipfs, just like it generates some Go API docs from the Go source. Or, after the new docs site actually gets shipped, we could move all of awesome-ipfs’s content into it and deprecate awesome-ipfs. Either way, we can only do so many things at once, so awesome-ipfs is definitely the best place for now.

ALSO! Would you be interested in translating your post into a “concept” doc for the new site about hashes and/or multihash? I’d be happy to review a PR that adds a new page (or pages) to the content/guides/concepts/ folder :)

0x-r4bbit commented 6 years ago

Ooh, nice writeup, @PascalPrecht!

@Mr0grog ha, thanks. I hope it'll be useful to some ppl out there.

For now, I’ve tried to make sure awesome-ipfs is linked from the new docs site — I worry about duplicating the effort of linking to external resources between the new docs site and awesome-ipfs leading to the same disconnect, out-of-sync-ness, and confusion we currently have :\

Yes, this makes perfect sense.

I personally would vote for moving relevant links from awesome-ipfs to the new docs as this is going to be the main entry point for most of the people (unless we make people go to awesome-ipfs all the time). awesome-ipfs wouldn't even have to be deprecated for that but just keep living along. If ppl feel like adding stuff to it, there'd be free to do so.

Either way, we can only do so many things at once, so awesome-ipfs is definitely the best place for now.

Yep! Always one step at a time. My comment was really more about the possible future where a docs site exist where stuff like this could be linked as resources.

ALSO! Would you be interested in translating your post into a “concept” doc for the new site about hashes and/or multihash? I’d be happy to review a PR that adds a new page (or pages) to the content/guides/concepts/ folder :)

Let me have a look at that.

0x-r4bbit commented 6 years ago

@Mr0grog first bits landing here https://github.com/ipfs/docs/pull/81