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CRDTs in the wild #404

Open pgte opened 6 years ago

pgte commented 6 years ago

I've been asked yesterday at this meetup, and I couldn't list all In this issue I'd like to collect some of the people, companies and products using CRDTs in production.

/cc @CBaquero @gyounes @vitorenesduarte @alishoker

pgte commented 6 years ago

Consistency without Consensus: CRDTs in Production at SoundCloud

pgte commented 6 years ago

Big(ger) Sets: Making CRDT Sets Scale in Riak by Russell Brown (video)

vitorenesduarte commented 6 years ago

A few weeks ago we had the exact same question.

Use-case Company, Project, or Developer CRDT model Link
DB with Causal transactions Antidote/Syncfree Op-based https://syncfree.github.io/antidote/  
Concurrent and Distributed Applications Framework Akka State-based/Delta-based https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5.12/distributed-data.html  
Colaborative Editing IPFS Op-based https://peerpad.net/  
Offline Computation TomTom State-based https://speakerdeck.com/ajantis/practical-demystification-of-crdts  
Distributed DB Riak State-based http://docs.basho.com/riak/kv/2.2.3/learn/concepts/crdts/  
Distributed Applications Lasp State-based/Delta-based https://lasp-lang.readme.io/docs  
Distributed DB Redis Both https://redislabs.com/docs/active-active-whitepaper/  
Service Framework for Op-based CRDTs RBMH (RedBull Media House) Op-based http://rbmhtechnology.github.io/operation-based-crdt-framework/  
In-memory DB (Very Recent) Hazelcast State-based http://iotinnovator.com/hazelcast-introduces-imdg-3-10-with-data-structures-flake-id-generator-and-crdt-enhanced-split-brain-protection/  
Distributed DB / Application Framework Unbase ? https://unba.se/ Potential use
Apollo Logging System Facebook ? https://dzone.com/articles/facebook-announces-apollo-qcon  
Globally Distributed DB CosmosDB / Microsoft ? https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-cosmosdb-build-2018-the-catalyst-for-next-generation-apps/?_lrsc=996193e3-e253-4a89-a50a-0b105862c2e6  
  Datanet ? https://datanet.co/  
gritzko commented 6 years ago

I think, we may add these two: https://github.com/google/xi-editor https://github.com/atom/xray

sunny-b commented 5 years ago

Some other developers and I created an open source collaborative text editor using a CRDT: https://github.com/conclave-team/conclave

The CRDT we used was inspired a lot by this one: https://github.com/Chat-Wane/LSEQTree

In case that's useful at all.

schrepfler commented 5 years ago

Bet365 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXmO1IvzIZY

BrianHung commented 4 years ago

I think, we may add these two: https://github.com/google/xi-editor https://github.com/atom/xray

Github has this, which is a working product: https://github.com/atom/teletype

yankeeinlondon commented 2 years ago

YJS and YRS (rust implementation) seem to be beating all the benchmarks today