Deliver Rust library for client-side verifiable retrieval in light clients.
Depends on:
Enable verifiable retrieval on the gateway
Deliver Rust library for client-side verifiable retrieval in light clients
We need to ensure we have alignment on use of Rust here with stakeholders
We believe it’s stategic for IP Stewards to invest in building muscle with Rust, and this is a good starting point
eta: 2023-03-31
description: Theme: Ubiquitous Clients
Deliver Rust library for client-side verifiable retrieval in light clients.
Depends on:
Enable verifiable retrieval on the gateway Done:
Deliver Rust library for client-side verifiable retrieval in light clients Notes:
We need to ensure we have alignment on use of Rust here with stakeholders We believe it’s stategic for IP Stewards to invest in building muscle with Rust, and this is a good starting point