ipfs / specs

Technical specifications for the IPFS protocol stack
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IPFS Specifications Licensing #137

Open RichardLitt opened 7 years ago

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

I think we should use the CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license. But I am not a lawyer.

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

@jbenet Need your feedback here.

vmx commented 6 years ago

Why ShareAlike? Just CC-BY sounds more aligned with non-copyleft source licenses like MIT.

Stebalien commented 6 years ago

I'm mostly worried about proprietary extensions to the specs. Our primary concern with IPFS is adoption, hence the loose license. With the docs, we'd like to encourage people to modify and republish them as they see fit (books, tutorials, etc.). However, I don't see this happening with the specs and don't see any reason to encourage it. Any source code embedded in the specs should be licensed as permissively as possible (public domain as much as possible) but I don't see any reason to license the text in a similar manner.

vmx commented 6 years ago

@Stebalien In my opinion your argumentation for docs also holds true for specs. What if someone wants to publish a book which explains the spec in more detail? It would contain parts of the spec and hence make the whole book ShareAlike.

On more general note: As with many things (especially open source) I prefer doing opportunity management instead of risk management. Looking at the benefits of being more open rather then possible risks.

I personally don't see any risks, hence for me the opportunities outweigh.

Stebalien commented 6 years ago

It would contain parts of the spec and hence make the whole book ShareAlike.

Fair point. The specs are likely to become (or be included in) docs and we'd like to enable that. Furthermore, people will want to build proprietary protocols on-top of our protocols and, while I'd rather they didn't... adoption is our primary goal. We can always create non-proprietary protocols to compete with them as long as people are using the underlying tech.

I withdraw my objection. CC-BY sounds fine. Although, really, we should pick a license that covers IP like the IETF one but I don't know of a good one for text-documents off the top of my head.

Also, we probably need to go though the spec contributions and get a signoff.

On more general note: As with many things (especially open source) I prefer doing opportunity management instead of risk management. Looking at the benefits of being more open rather then possible risks.

You have to look at both. Flying is fun; hitting the ground afterwards is not.

Mr0grog commented 6 years ago

For what it’s worth, it seems like we are converging on CC-BY 4.0 as a general standard for non-code stuff over in ipfs/community#298. No reason specs have to follow that, of course, especially if better language around IP is especially important for these.

techtonik commented 5 years ago

I am not sure that forcing things with legal is about "consensus" that decentralized technology is about. As long as there is a community process and single point of reference (like this repo or GitLab repo) the copyright doesn't matter. If you need a reference as an IPFS author, give people link to your git history, if you want to force stop people from copying and modifying the spec for their proprietary products, then I better opt-out from this process. I value the work of individuals, not the work that is being resold to big corporates with this "copyright" stuff. CC0 and git history is my choice.

techtonik commented 5 years ago

I am not a contributor to this repo, so my voice doesn't count. =)

lidel commented 11 months ago

Ok, this feels like a mess we should clean up:

@darobin I remember you mentioned other projects switching away from CC0 due to some edge case problems, do you remember the details? If we need to switch to CC-BY should it include SA, or can we relax it?

If we want to switch to something else, we should do it sooner than later + update https://github.com/ipfs/community/blob/master/LICENSING_POLICY.md to reflect that.

bmann commented 11 months ago

We use the Community Specification License in all of our working groups for UCAN, WNFS, IPVM, etc https://github.com/CommunitySpecification/Community_Specification/

@expede set this all up, including CLA bot to get sign off for things. This preps us for use by any major standards org.

bumblefudge commented 11 months ago

FWIW W3C and its CGs use a custom license for specs and Apache-2 for all software contributions.

DIF, where I've long worked, gives individual WGs a wide array of choices of various licenses for specs, IPR regimes for meetings, and Apache-2 or MIT for all software: image (Src).

I am extremely not a lawyer, but I don't think the licensing of the actual specs or sample implementations is actually the biggest attack vector-- what I suspect we really want is a PATENT POLICY that applies to any substantial contribution TO specs or implementations, which I believe would be covered by the Community Specification (which was invented recently to provide a more lightweight way achieving what the heavier, bespoke CLAs that DIF and W3C CGs use to protect their specs from covert/depth-charge patents)

But plus one to getting this sorted soon!

bmann commented 11 months ago

Yes. The community specifications cover both the open-ness of the spec as well as patents by participants.

Any of the CC options don't give us this coverage.

darobin commented 10 months ago

Whoa, you're having all the fun without me.

I don't recall the exact reasons why people moved away from CC0; the spec license debates in the web community were very painful and I have tried to forget as much as possible from them. I will say this, however: the WHATWG people used to be very intense about wanting CC0 and today they use "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To the extent portions of it are incorporated into source code, such portions in the source code are licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License instead."

I certainly agree that a patent policy would be very good. I am sorry to say that I have misgivings about using the Community Specification license, however. Its entire revision history is three commits by two people, the most recent of which is over two years old. The entire review process seems to have been a total of six issues and one PR, three of which are typos and still open after six months. I found more typos just scanning through it. It seems to want to abstract away from typical WG processes, which is a good idea, but this leads it to make assumptions that I am not sure any random WG participant will understand. For instance, they have an “Approved Specification” that 1) has a direct impact on their patent licensing terms and 2) is linked to governance expectations. As described, this excludes all groups that work based on "Living Standards" (e.g. WHATWG, many CGs). It also creates a dependency between the validity of the licensing and running governance according to the rules they laid out. That's not a bad idea, but in order for it to work the governance of the groups has to actually match — I can imagine a lawyer tearing this apart by pointing out that e.g. issues weren't opened in the way described in the license or some such detail that participants would likely never think of.

It also seems to be making a bunch of claims about the output being appropriate for submission to an SDO — has anyone actually asked an SDO about that? I am not aware of the W3C looking at this, for instance.

Maybe I'm missing history and this is a lot more battle-tested than it looks like, but I would be hesitant to make it load-bearing without significantly more review.

jdsika commented 2 months ago

Hi all, I think the IPFS community is doing a great job at creating these specifications and I would absolutely love to work with them and encourage contribution. I am talking from my perspective as a test and validation expert in the automotive industry who is engaged in a lot of international standardization.

The main points from my perspective are:

In general I would say: Don't overengineer in this discussion. Avoid the main pitfalls I have described. Take something permissive and clear to understand as you don't want to scare away people.

My personal choice would be MIT

Best regards Carlo