ipfs / specs

Technical specifications for the IPFS protocol stack
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multi-multiplexing; implementation question #33

Open wanderer opened 8 years ago

wanderer commented 8 years ago

How would a third party utilize libp2p? The simple way would be to directly use libp2p but then you wouldn't be using multi-multiplexing and you would introduce redundancy if multiple software was running the full network stack; correct? Would a better alternative be to have a standalone networking demon that all the different programs wishing to the p2p networking would connect to?

jbenet commented 8 years ago

Would a better alternative be to have a standalone networking demon that all the different programs wishing to the p2p networking would connect to?

yeah this is similar to having a single IP stack (inc ARP, DHCP, ICMP, etc) in the OS. However note this cant be the solution always -- sometimes your programs are isolated (containers or browser tabs).