ipfs / specs

Technical specifications for the IPFS protocol stack
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Publish existing Bitswap specs at specs.ipfs.tech #437

Closed hacdias closed 8 months ago

hacdias commented 9 months ago

As per what I discussed with @lidel, this PR moves the current Bitswap specs to the website. Merge should be done using rebase or merge commit in order to preserve the history for the Bitswap specifications.

Note that I put this under architecture. We may want to either create a new section, or put it somewhere else.

lidel commented 9 months ago

I've created /exchange category and moved Bitswap spec to /exchange/bitswap (which will produce permalink https://specs.ipfs.tech/exchange/bitswap/).


@aschmahmann any concerns or ok to merge?

BigLep commented 8 months ago

2023-10-17 maintainer conversation: @aschmahmann will approve and @lidel will merge