ipfs / specs

Technical specifications for the IPFS protocol stack
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IPIP: path gateway - range requests clarification (nit) #465

Closed SgtPooki closed 3 months ago

SgtPooki commented 3 months ago


Should we be supporting range requests for identity blocks as well?

ipfs-unixfs-exporter has support for these: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aipfs%2Fjs-ipfs-unixfs%20path%3Apackages%2Fipfs-unixfs-exporter%20validateOffsetAndLength&type=code

lidel commented 3 months ago

Good question. An inlined block, once "deserialized from identity Multihash" is a valid UnixFS file (it can be dag-pb or raw), so I think the spec covers them.

Good that we support them, (very useful for tests and health-checks), but also unlikely anyone will request range of such small data in real world :)