ipfs / team-mgmt

IPFS Team Planning, Management & Coordination threads
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Sprint: May 16 → May 30th #109

Closed RichardLitt closed 8 years ago

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

Sprint Discussions


Please take notes in a separate pad, if you can, and link it here.

Endeavour Lead Time (PDT - UTC/Z - CEST) Pad
sync @RichardLitt 9:00PDT 16:00Z 18:00CEST IRC: #ipfs on Freenode
apps on ipfs @dignifiedquire 10:30PDT 17:30Z 19:30CEST https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ipfs-may-16-apps-on-ipfs
infrastructure @lgierth 11:00PDT 18:00Z 20:00CEST https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ipfs-may-16-infrastructure
js-ipfs task force mega sprint @diasdavid 11:30PDT 18:30Z 20:30CEST https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ipfs-may-16-js-ipfs-task-force
go-ipfs @whyrusleeping 12:30PDT 19:30Z 21:30CEST https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ipfs-may-16-go-ipfs

Please add the Agenda to the Pad before the endeavour sprint starts.

Sprint Deliverables

ghost commented 8 years ago

Timezones are off, fixed in #110

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

Thank you.

dignifiedquire commented 8 years ago

Apps on IPFS

Lead: @dignifiedquire



Orbit Update



Demo of gx from whyrusleeping

ghost commented 8 years ago


Lead: @lgierth




ghost commented 8 years ago

@lgierth todo

dignifiedquire commented 8 years ago

@dignifiedquire Todo

daviddias commented 8 years ago


This is a joint hangout to sync in the latest details to get js-ipfs out the door and some really cool examples working on it.

Lead: @diasdavid (David Dias)




last mile

Kubuxu commented 8 years ago

@Kubuxu todo:



RichardLitt commented 8 years ago


Lead: @whyrusleeping



what we need for the demos

tag these with "dev", "solarnet", and/or "release" based on what we NEED and WANT by May 29

(ordered by priority)

You have 30 minutes for this agenda, 5 minutes before the meeting ends, consider moving the remaining items to a github discussion thread so that all the other sprint meetings can start in time.


After sprint meeting is finished, create the respective action items on the Github sprint issue
dignifiedquire commented 8 years ago

Mid Sprint hangout will be happening now, at 12:10noon EDT, 9:10am PDT, 6:10pm CEST, 4:10pm UTC.

Kubuxu commented 8 years ago

@Kubuxu sprint summary

During this week I worked on resolving some issues, and introducing few QoL changes. I also kept the go-ipfs issues and PRs up to date as @whyrusleeping was on a trip. Most notably the offline mode of go-ipfs (no p2p connections, still provides local content and API) works but might still require few changes. I also moved some go-ipfs dependencies from Godeps to gx, it seems simple at first but is quite a bit of work. I am also thinking about new design of API and API transport that would be focused on low lever applications and high performance.



dignifiedquire commented 8 years ago

@dignifiedquire sprint summary

The past two weeks were fast paced but exciting. I prepared and gave my first talk on IPFS at my local meetup. In addition to that I nearly finished my implementation of secio in JavaScript. There is just one racing condition fix and some integration work to be done there. And all the rest of my time was spent helping @diasdavid and @haadcode to get js-ipfs in the best shape possible, including an important fix to js-bitswap to ensure blocks are actually distributed to everyone.

daviddias commented 8 years ago

David Dias Check In

Summary: This last sprint (2 weeks) has been super intense, having a clear, common goal (shipping orbit on js-ipfs) + getting js-ipfs milestone one ready, has given the team an immense focus on a set of things that were crucial to achieve those goals, making everyone working very closely together and that feeling has been amazing :).

Here is a gist of some of the things I've been doing:

haadcode commented 8 years ago

@haadcode sprint end report - 16 May - 29 May


I've worked on getting Orbit to run in the browser with js-ipfs (https://github.com/haadcode/orbit/tree/js-ipfs). We've been making very good progress and as of couple of days ago, we got it all (Orbit) working fully, with IPFS, in the browser! \o/ It's still brittle so the next steps are to make it more stable and performant. Nevertheless, a huge kudos to the JS team, you've made awesome work so far! Also helped the Akasha project to integrate orbit-db and they wrote a really nice blog post describing what they achieved with it (http://blog.akasha.world/2016/05/26/update-highlights-and-interesting-developments/).

hackergrrl commented 8 years ago

noffle check in

I've had my nose down to the grindstone last week, focusing all my efforts on driving the JS IPFS Core API interface effort (interface-ipfs-core), with @nginnever and @diasdavid. No blockers other than merging the rest of my PRs. I'm just about done with 'add', which had a lot of edge cases to get unified across js-ipfs-api and js-ipfs. Richard and I got cracking on the remaining work for releasing standard-readme. Lots of hard work ahead to get everything finished for next sprint!

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

This week, I've been less productive than I hoped, because I have been travelling intensively. Mainly, I worked on some Standard-Readme stuff, PRs to http-api-spec, and making sure that awesome_bot works well with our newsletters. Today, I've merged some things to the website and to the blog. I also worked on presenting my endangered-languages repo to professional linguists at a conference; I'm hoping to turn it into an IPFS use-case for archiving academic code.

nginnever commented 8 years ago


The past week i started off with more interface-core, js-ipfs-api, and js-ipfs work. There are some open PRs that will be revisited over the week, just little improvements / more features to js-ipfs cat, and add. Also vacationing in Seattle at the moment enjoying the lovely green things and water!

ghost commented 8 years ago

@lgierth sprint update

Good sprint -- while team JS has been crunching away, I took care of a couple of smaller things and fixes, and prepared the infrastructure side of js-ipfs and Orbit. It's not running yet, but all the steps are layed out.

Also made a bit of progress on the fc00 CryptoAuth and Switch specs.

I didn't finish my personal quest of stopping being a bottleneck to others, yet :)

whyrusleeping commented 8 years ago

@whyrusleeping's checkin

The first week of sprint I spent a lot of time working with @diasdavid on go and js interop, I think we figured out all of the current issues preventing us from talking across implementations, but before i was certain of that i flew to mexico and had no internet for a week. On the plane ride back I gave iptb the ability to use docker to spin up ipfs nodes, opening up the possiblity of setting artificial bandwidth and latency between nodes for tests. Back in the secret laboratory, i've been tinkering with bitswap. Early tests are showing a 20% throughput increase and a 50% reduction in duplicate block sends.

jbenet commented 8 years ago

@jbenet udpate

This last sprint I've been focused mostly on IPFS and Protocol Labs organizational things. Some highlights:

nicola commented 8 years ago

@nicola update

Done with the academic year - had a break plus travelling which meant -> reading time and meeting friends (decentralized and not). I had a great sync with @jbenet about summer plans.