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Stackoverflow bot #1141

Open daviddias opened 6 years ago

daviddias commented 6 years ago

I subscribe to the IPFS and libp2p labels on Stack Overflow and it gives me an opportunity to answer a ton of questions that come through that channel. Plus, every time I answer a question, it gets used by many other developers as Stack Overflow search is actually pretty good.

I wonder if it would be useful to have a bot that subscribes to these and converts them into issues so that dev can get notified and answer them too.

momack2 commented 5 years ago

I like this idea!

autonome commented 5 years ago

Had this running in #dietrich on freenode for the last couple of months, and works rock solid. If admins on #ipfs give the 👍🏼 I'll turn off debug mode and put the bot in there.


momack2 commented 5 years ago

@Stebalien is admin I believe!

Stebalien commented 5 years ago

Go for it (and I'm not the admin, I just maintain things)

autonome commented 5 years ago

Shipped for issues tagged #ipfs 🤖🎉

I can copy it and post issues tagged #libp2p into #libp2p on Freenode... @whyrusleeping or @hsanjuan I see you are admins there - wdyt?

autonome commented 5 years ago

For reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/libp2p

hsanjuan commented 5 years ago

Sure. Let me know if I need to do anything @autonome

autonome commented 5 years ago

Thanks @hsanjuan!

Running in both channels now ✅