I'd like to use the ida-patcher in my IDA Pro v7.5 but after i've copied the idapatcher.py file to the plugins folder i get cannot import name 'Choose2' from 'idaapi'... error. I've checked and there is a class Choose2 defined in the _idakernwin.py file imported by idaapi.py by the idapatcher.py so I completely don't understand why does the error occur.
Hello. I'd like to use the ida-patcher in my IDA Pro v7.5 but after i've copied the idapatcher.py file to the plugins folder i get cannot import name 'Choose2' from 'idaapi'... error. I've checked and there is a class Choose2 defined in the _idakernwin.py file imported by idaapi.py by the idapatcher.py so I completely don't understand why does the error occur.