ipilcher / n5550

Thecus N5550 hardware support
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Post Quick Start Installation System Errors / Fan Tuning #12

Closed astrom0 closed 7 years ago

astrom0 commented 7 years ago

As part of Issue #11, I observed some post installation concerns. To avoid potential confusion for those coming along later, I'm splitting the new issue here. The relevant detail and the associated feedback is copied here for convenience:

On 07/14/2017 03:49 AM, astrom0 wrote: Once that was sorted, dracut ran as per expectation. After a reboot the LCD is providing system info. However, I'm seeing:



Does "journalctl -u freecusd" give you anything useful? Also the System Fan readout indicates 2,376 rpm which seems a touch high considering the ambient air temperature in the room is around 20deg.C. To be safe, the default configuration runs the fan at top speed. You can play with the value of /sys/devices/platform/it87.656/pwm3 to try to find a value that provides the right balance of noise and cooling for you. To permanently change the value, edit /usr/lib/modprobe.d/n5550.conf (or override it with a file in /etc/modprobe.d).

Plus, I'm seeing the System Warning LED (that's the one with the exclamation mark ! in a circle) indicating Solid RED - "System Error" by the Thecus manual.

The daemon is turning that on because of the RAID and temperature errors. (It uses the red LED for serious errors and the orange LED for "warnings.")

Going to the final piece of advice, it doesn't look like I need to panic. Thanks for the feedback.

When I run: journalctl -u freecusd This is the system response:

[thecus@N5550 ~]$ journalctl -u freecusd No journal files were found. -- No entries --


I've used the advice here How to monitor CPU temperature on Redhat 7 Linux To install a temperature sensor monitor: yum install lm_sensors Then running the monitor: sensors | grep Core the response is:

[thecus@N5550 ~]$ sensors | grep Core Core 0: +31.0°C (crit = +100.0°C) Core 1: +35.0°C (crit = +100.0°C)

I'll use the advice regarding modprobe and n5550.conf and see what I can come up with.

From the detail specified in /usr/lib/modprobe.d/n5550.conf , I'm adjusting the default value after echo as shown below in bold:

install it87 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install it87 fix_pwm_polarity=1; echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/it87.656/pwm3_enable; echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/it87.656/pwm3

As an aside, what thoughts are out there to set up fan control to target a temperature set point rather than a fixed speed? Something along the lines of this: Fan speed control

astrom0 commented 7 years ago

From above, I wasn't able to make sense of adjusting fan speed via /usr/lib/modprobe.d/n5550.conf Regardless of what I set the value for /sys/devices/platform/it87.656/pwm3 via n5550.conf nothing seemed to make any difference.

Instead I ended up # -ing out the relevant lines in n5550.conf

# install it87      /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install it87 fix_pwm_polarity=1; echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/it87.656/pwm3_enable; echo 255 > /sys/devices/platform/it87.656/pwm3
# remove    it87        echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/it87.656/pwm3_enable; /sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove it87

And set up fan control using lm_sensors as referred to above.

Using pwmconfig, I set up /etc/fancontrol to adjust fan speed based on the hottest core temperature that sensors was showing.

Then, I enabled the fancontrol.service system daemon and it starts up with a system boot. All appears to be working nicely, so far.

Now, just for feedback regarding: journalctl -u freecusd

astrom0 commented 7 years ago

Based on the results of Issue #13, I'm closing this issue. The revised SMART Helper / freecusd executable appears to be a winner and addresses the Red illuminated System Warning LED mentioned above along with the associated display errors.

Many thanks to @ipilcher for the assistance in getting to this point.