ipjohnson / Grace

Grace is a feature rich dependency injection container library
MIT License
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ExportExpression #113

Closed ipjohnson closed 7 years ago

ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

A user suggested offer an option to export a linq expression in addition to ExportFactory<T>. The idea would be that calls to Arg.Locate<T>() would be replaced by the container with the proper dependency.

This could allow the developer to make more interesting exports that have runtime logic in them while still maintaining the injection hierarchy.

block.ExportExpression(() => new DependentService(Arg.Locate<IBasicService>()));
ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

@ElMaxxi I opened this issue up to track the work for this but now I'm remembering the limitations involved with lambda to expression tree conversions.

Currently there is not support for a number of C# language features including but not limited to statement body. This is a huge limiting factor and for me makes me it not worth implementing.

If MS decides to implement more features for expression trees then this would be cool but right now it doesn't do anything that can't be done using the current configuration methods for Export<T>

ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

Thinking about it a bit more it really doesn't add much to implement so I'll include it.

canhazcodez commented 7 years ago

I believe that adding such an option, will allow other "gracers" a bit more creativity on the creation of their types. Can't wait to see how it'll turn out :-)

ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

@ElMaxxi What I've added so far is ExportExpression<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expression) allowing for something like

c.ExportExpression(() => 
      new SomeClass(Arg.Locate<IDep1>(), Arg.Locate<IDep2>(), "stringValue", false)).LifeStyle.Singleton();
canhazcodez commented 7 years ago

@ipjohnson this looks pretty cool. Is it possible to throw in an IExportLocatorScope to the arguments of the expression? just as is possible with the exportfactory?

ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

@ElMaxxi Something like this

     scope => new SomeClass(Arg.Locate<IDep1>(), scope.Locate<IDep2>(new { someString = "value" });
canhazcodez commented 7 years ago

@ipjohnson well i didn't mind the Arg, i just thought that having access to the site will let me have access to scope properties to help with the logic. Something enabling, for example, a different logic, if the scope name matches a specific scope.

ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

What if I put in Arg.Scope() and that gave you access to the scope so you could do something like

       () => Arg.Scope().Name == "Blah" ? new SomeClass() : new OtherClass())
canhazcodez commented 7 years ago

That would be totally fine. I really appreciate your prompt followup on this :-)

ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

I've added Arg.Scope() and Arg.Context()

I also added something that I thought was kind of interesting Arg.Locate(new { }) where you can specify how some dependencies are resolved.

Arg.Locate(new { SomeValue = 5 }) will use the value 5 for int dependencies named someValue.

Here are the tests I've added

ipjohnson commented 7 years ago

I've pushed a beta version to test this, let me know if you have any other suggestions.