ipjohnson / SeleniumFixture

Selenium testing fixture for C#
Microsoft Public License
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Selenium.xUnit support more complex method signatures for theories #2

Closed ipjohnson closed 8 years ago

ipjohnson commented 8 years ago

Currently only Fixture & IWebDriver are supported as method parameters for SeleniumTheory. It would be good to support complex situation like feeding data from other DataAttributes (like InlineData and ExcelData)

It would also be good to be able to pass a parameter from IFixtureInitializer.Initialize to the first parameter of the method.

This will require changes to WebDriverAttribute to not inherit from DataAttribute and changes to SeleniumTheoryTestCaseRunner to smartly merge all the data in a cohesive manner.

ipjohnson commented 8 years ago

Released as part of 1.3.0