Q: When I load the website I get one version and if I do ctrl+f5 (hard reset) in chrome I get another one. If I try loading the website again I'm back to the old version :sob:
A: I think it is old cache in service worker – you should be able to purge old version by removing it (below is Firefox, but chromium have similar UI)
Q: cool, that did it thanks :pray:. Is this a bug with an older version of explore.ipld.io or just a thing with service workers? Wouldn't want other people stuck on ancient versions here either
A: I think by default workers expire within 24h, usure why yours was stuck. guess: i think the old version is kept alive as long you have a tab open or something, so if you used it often it was kept around
Q: idk, the version I had was using secio (I could see the wss requests in the browser) and obviously making no progress which is ancient. Pretty sure I've turned off my computer, updated chrome, and probably (although I guess not for sure) closed all my windows during that time.
Potential action items for this bug report
[ ] Simple analysis of service worker to ensure any obvious stuck-cache chances are removed
[ ] Ensure service-worker checks for latest version
@alvin-reyes any chance you could take a look at this? @lidel said you were the last person to deal with this website and you may be able to get us a quicker win
Describe the bug The context for this bug is from a FIL slack convo between @aschmahmann and @lidel.
Potential action items for this bug report